City of Lynnwood - Volunteer Opportunity - Adopt-A-Catch Basin

Lynnwood Washington

Adopt-A-Catch Basin

New - Volunteer Opportunity!

Clearing a Storm Drain  for snow run off.

Clearing a Storm Drain for snow run off.

NEW Volunteer Opportunity – great for individuals and groups!

Adopt-A-Catch Basin

Are you passionate about keeping our community waters clean? Here in the Public Works department we are, and work hard to do so, and we can use your help!

Lynnwood contains almost 5,000 catch basins (commonly in the form of storm drains) that collect surface water, such as rain and runoff, and divert it into local waterways.

When you adopt a catch basin near you, you will keep it free of debris and inform the City if maintenance or attention is needed.

You can also mark your storm drain or catch basin to let others in the community know where the surface waters flow to, so we can all help to keep it clean upstream.

Interested? Please visit our Adopt a Catch Basin website to learn more or get started. You will receive a registration email when you first sign up - keep this email handy for future logins. 


Contact: Kayla Grattan  or  425-670-5245

For more information about Environmental and Surface Water Management projects and programs, visit Environmental and Surface Water Management

and follow us on Twitter @LynnwoodStreets.