Lynnwood Healthy Communities: April News!

Lynnwood Washington

Heritage Park Spring Clean


Join us for the annual Spring Clean event at Heritage Park. 

Volunteers will spruce up Interurban Car No. 55, the Wickers Building grounds, Playground pit, and general landscaping.

There will be opportunities to help with weeding, barking, and hauling with additional volunteer opportunities cleaning windows, floors and mopping and dusting.

Help us make this historic site shine!

Wednesday, April 7 from 9am-3pm.

Heritage Park 19921 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 98036

Please bring your own gloves.  All other materials provided.

To register to volunteer please complete the Heritage Park Spring Clean Volunteer Sign Up Form

Virtual Water Safety Fair


Join us for a fun and interactive special event that will increase your water safety knowledge. Learn how you can keep yourself and others safe in and around the water. 

Check out our Facebook or Youtube page for more information.


To learn more visit: Earth Day Drive Thru Event

Let's Celebrate!


The Lynnwood Recreation Center in Turning 10!

Come join us on Saturday, April 24th from 12:00 - 4:00pm for a free drive-thru birthday celebration!  

Enjoy a birthday treat to go, see familiar faces, and share your favorite memory or activity from the Recreation Center!

Please pre-register for this drive-thru event HERE



Lynnwood Parks are essential!

Lynnwood Parks play a vital role in the social, economic, environmental and physical well-being of all members of the Lynnwood community.

Join us in telling the story of Lynnwood Parks through our ParksLove campaign.

Each Lynnwood Park is unique and has a story to tell as do YOU, the Park user.

We invite you to help tell these stories by sharing a photo and your Park story via the link below.

My ParksLove Story

Personal information will be used for staff to contact you about your story. No personal or private information will be shared publicly.



The City’s priority is protecting the health and safety of our visitors. Always follow Public Health guidelines when visiting Lynnwood Parks, please do your part, wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart. 

For additional guidelines and updates visit:  COVID-19 Parks Trails and Open Spaces Updates

You can always stay up-to-date on all things Healthy Communities by visiting: Healthy Lynnwood

And, we'd love to hear from you. If you have a project, program, event, or success to highlight, please contact us! 

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