Drainage placement in the NE quadrant of 36th Ave W and 171st St SW
TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Temporary channelization on 36th Ave W moved the north and southbound lanes to the west side of the road. Please follow traffic control.
Week of January 14th
- On the east side of 36th between 169th St SW and 171st St SW,
- Clearing and grubbing
- Pavement Removals
- Water services
- Performing roadway excavation
- Placing drainage
- Signal conduit placement
Week of January 21st
- On the east side of 36th between 171st St SW and 173rd Pl SW,
- Placing drainage
- Clearing and grubbing
- Pavement Removals
- Water Services
- Preforming roadway excavation
- Signal conduit placement
The Contractor will not be working on Martin Luther King Day, January 21st, 2019.
For more information on this project visit the project website and follow us on Twitter @LynnwoodStreets.