RELEASE: Lynnwood Honors Excellence

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Lynnwood Washington

Lynnwood Honors Excellence

LYNNWOOD, WA (November 14, 2018) - On Tuesday, November 13, Mayor Smith and the Lynnwood City Council presented Excellence Awards to the 2018 recipients. The Honoring Excellence...and a great deal more awards were created as a way for the City to recognize a City Employee, a Citizen and a Business that demonstrates excellence, actively contributes to the community, and generally makes Lynnwood...
a great deal more! 


Employee Award: Terence Calhoun (pictured far right with Mayor Nicola Smith and his Supervisor Will Cena) is a Computer Systems Engineer in the Information Technology Department.   

Terence is known to provide excellent customer service and always goes above and beyond to assist both his fellow IT co-workers and other city employees. Terence is highly committed to the City of Lynnwood, and he routinely makes time to train and mentor co-workers, he works hard to grow and develop his skills during his personal time so that he can realize new efficiencies and leverage new technologies on the job, and he routinely goes out of his way to assist others. Terence started his career with the City of Lynnwood as a lifeguard at the Recreation Center where his skills and work ethic were quickly noticed and he was promoted to the position of Senior Guard. After completing his education, Terence applied for a HelpDesk position in Information Technology, where once again his skills and talents were recognized, and he was promoted to be a Computer Systems Engineer.

Monica Thompson

Citizen Award: Monica Thompson (pictured here with Council President Benjamin Goodwin and her daughter) is a Lynnwood resident and a member of the City's Parks & Recreation Board.

Monica Thompson is a dedicated Lynnwood resident, serving on the Parks & Recreation Board and directly shaping the future of Lynnwood. Monica, along with her employer HBB Landscape Architects has provided valuable professional services to the City free of charge, engaging the community and creating a conceptual master plan for the Interurban Trail. Monica regularly attends community meetings and open houses and lends her expertise as a landscape architect towards projects such as the 196th St SW Improvement Project, 212th Street Interurban Trail Missing Link, the design of Lynnwood Elementary School, and more. As a Parks & Recreation Board Member Monica was instrumental in the development of the PARC (Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Conservation) Plan, contributing a depth of knowledge and experience to the project. Monica serves her community, dedicates her time civically, and demonstrates how active and engaged citizens help make Lynnwood a great place to be.


Business Award: Chick-fil-A (Owner/Operator Paul Rosser, along with some staff members, pictured here with Council Vice President Shannon Sessions) is a local business.

Paul Rosser moved to Lynnwood to open a Chick-fil-A restaurant nearly three years ago and since the very beginning he has been community-focused and has enhanced the image of the City of Lynnwood in many ways. In addition to being a successful restaurant, Chick-fil-A generously donates money to local non-profit organizations and towards student scholarships, and they also generously donate food items to community events and to those in need. Chick-fil-A has a giving philosophy in that they believe that the company should be more than just selling chicken and they should be a part of their customers’ lives and the community in which they serve. Chick-fil-A employs over 100 individuals from a variety of different backgrounds and they nurture their employees by provide job training, financial literacy training, scholarships, opportunities to volunteer in the community, and much more.

The City of Lynnwood wishes to extend our sincere appreciation to the 2018 Excellence Award winners! Next spring, the City will begin accepting nominations for the 2019 awards. If you know an outstanding city employee, citizen or business that you would like to nominate, we want to hear from you! More information about the awards and nomination process can be found at


Julie Moore, Public Affairs Officer

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