TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Flaggers and pilot cars are helping to move traffic through the various
job sites. Please drive the posted speed limit, 20MPH when gravel is present, to keep dust and gravel from
being thrown around. One lane may be closed at a time during working
Last Week, July 16th; Crews were working mainly east of Highway 99 to remove, stripe and clean the roadway for the chip seal work.
This Week, July 23rd; Crews are working throughout the city focusing their efforts east of Highway 99.
Next Week, July 30th; Crews will be finishing up their work on the eastside of Highway 99. This includes re-striping the roadways. They will shift to the various sites on the west side of SR99.
Following Week, August 6th; Crews will be finishing up their work on the eastside of Highway 99. This includes re-striping the roadway and finishing the chip seal and fog seal work on the west side of SR99.
Weeks after, August 6th through August 30th; Crews will be finishing the striping work throughout the city.
For more information on this project visit the project website. And follow us on Twitter @LynnwoodStreets.