Creating a Sustainable Lynnwood - Your Opinion Needed!

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Creating a "Sustainable Lynnwood"

Take our brief survey and help us shape our Sustainability Plan!

The City of Lynnwood’s Community Vision calls for Lynnwood to be a regional model for a sustainable, vibrant community with engaged citizens and an accountable government.

Likewise, the Sustainability section of Lynnwood’s Comprehensive Plan establishes the basis to promote, strive for, and commit to the goal of becoming a sustainable community. It is our goal to collaborate with the community and our partners to create a “Sustainable Lynnwood.”

Our Community Development Department is seeking input from community members, businesses, and stakeholders about sustainability. In the coming months, City staff will develop a sustainability program that will involve the community in implementing ways that the city can become more sustainable.

We encourage your participation on this important survey:

For more information, contact Todd Hall, Planning Manager at or 425-670-5407.

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