Emergency-powers reform gutted in committee vote

Legislative update from Olympia


Democrats gut my bill to ensure balance between governor, legislators during emergencies

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

One of the bills that is at the center of debate in Olympia this week is my measure addressing the governor’s emergency executive powers (SB 5434). I had worked hard on this measure, and the original version had bipartisan support, including from Governor Ferguson.


Click here to watch my testimony on the SB 5434, restoring balance to emergency powers

However, the bill was gutted by the majority party in committee; only the title remained, and now it’s on a measure that is even weaker than current law. It would allow emergency declarations by the governor to remain in force indefinitely, and without any input from the people through your elected representatives.

The Center Square published a thorough report on what happened to my emergency-powers reform legislation. You may read it below.

Why would Democrat lawmakers want to hide behind the executive branch instead of representing the people of their districts? I don’t know. But I do know that there is no way I can support the bill in its current form.

This week I spoke with Governor Ferguson to discuss getting REAL BALANCED emergency-powers reform passed this session. I will continue to work with the governor on this and any other issue that benefits our citizens. It's well past time that we restore balance to the Legislature. Emergency or not, your voice and input should matter.



Keith Wagoner
(R-39th District)

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In the News: 

'Diluted version' of emergency powers reform bill passes out of Senate committee

By Carleen Johnson | The Center Square | Feb 21, 2025

Legislation to rein in the governor’s emergency powers passed out of a Washington State Senate committee Friday, but not before majority party Democrats adopted a striking amendment that some Republicans suggested weakens current law.

Senate Bill 5434, sponsored by Sen. Keith Wagoner, R-Sedro Woolley, would establish balanced legislative oversight of gubernatorial powers during a declared emergency.

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Gov. Ferguson advocates for Wagoner proposal limiting governor’s emergency powers

Q 13 Fox News | Feb. 20, 2025

Q13 Fox

Click here to watch now.

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In the News: 

Battery project in Skagit County clears hurdle

By Don Jenkins, Capital Press | February 21, 2025


Batteries store up electricity to be discharged during peak demand. (Capital Press file photo)

…The Senate Environment and Energy Committee held a hearing Feb. 19 on a bill that would prohibit EFSEC from preempting county zoning laws.  

The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Keith Wagoner, R-Sedro-Woolley, said Tenaska picked a “terrible spot.” 

“I’m not against the technology. I’m against where they can site it. And I’m against the idea they can subvert local zoning,” Wagoner said. 

Wagoner’s legislation, Senate Bill 5283, has seven Republican co-sponsors, but no Democrats. It’s not scheduled to pass from the Democrat-controlled committee.  Wagoner said in an interview he hopes other Western Washington lawmakers will realize EFSEC can override local governments. “It could happen anywhere,” he said.  He said he hopes Ferguson will veto the project regardless of EFSEC’s  recommendation.

Click here to read more.


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Washington Democrat says wolf policy failing

By Don Jenkins, Capital Press | February 18, 2025 


Click here to watch the hearing on SB 5590, my bill to protect livestock from wolf predation.

The Democratic chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee said the state’s wolf policy is failing northeast Washington, echoing the frustration long-held by Republican lawmakers from that wolf-saturated corner of the state.

...Sen. Keith Wagoner, R-Sedro-Woolley, said his bill to allow ranchers to shoot the first wolf back to the carcass would teach the rest of the pack to stay away from livestock.

Stevens County Sheriff Brad Manke said it would be effective. Fish and Wildlife already sometimes temporarily traps wolves coming back to feed on a carcass to send a message to the pack.

“We call it ‘spank and release,’” Manke said. “And it does change pack behavior, if they (Fish and Wildlife) are available.”

Click here to read the full article.

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Snohomish High School students page in Olympia


I recently had the privilege of sponsoring, not one, but two local Snohomish High School students as pages at the Washington State Senate.

Rylee Allred, a freshman, and Eli Blaylock, a junior, were two of 16 students who served as Senate pages for the fifth week of the 2025 legislative session in Olympia.

The program brings young people here to serve as pages and offers them a learning environment that they’re not going to experience anywhere else. Everyone in our office enjoyed the time we were able to have with Rylee and Eli. They did an excellent job for us and for the entire state Senate.

Students interested in the Senate Page Program are encouraged to visit its official website.

Applications for the 2026 session open November 1, 2025.

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Feb. 27, 2025


Let's Be Social! 

Follow me on Facebook to stay updated on the latest news from Olympia

Email: Keith.Wagoner@leg.wa.gov

Phone: 360-786-7676

Website: SenatorKeithWagoner.com 



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