110 Legislative Modular Building, PO Box 40402, Olympia, WA 98504 | 360.786.7602 | Jim.McCune@leg.wa.gov
FOR ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CONTACT MY LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT: Matthew Smith | matthew.smith@leg.wa.gov | 360-786-7602
 Feb. 23, 2024
 Hearings on three initiatives next week, online sign-in support open now !
 Dear friends and neighbors,
Thanks to relentless pressure from Republicans and the public, Legislative Democrats have been forced to hold public hearings on three of the six initiatives to the Legislature.
All of the People’s Initiatives should be heard! Not just 3 of 6. Keep pressing for action on the other three. But if the majority Legislative Democrats refuse to take action on the rest, they will still go straight to the November ballot as written.
The three initiatives being heard next week are:
- Police Pursuits (I-2113),
- No Income Tax (I-2111), and
- Parental Rights (I-2081).
Make sure your voice is heard on these measures!
 Sen. Jim McCune, 2nd Legislative District

Support parental rights in public education
12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 27
House Hearing Room A, John L. O’Brien Bldg., Capitol Campus, Olympia
Ban an income tax in Washington
8 to 9 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 28
House Hearing room A, John L. O’Brien Bldg., Capitol Campus, Olympia
Restore “reasonable suspicion” standard for police pursuit
9 to 10 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 28
Senate Hearing Room 4, John A. Cherberg Bldg., Capitol Campus, Olympia
If the Legislature passes these initiatives, Governor Jay Inslee CANNOT veto them. They will go into effect without his signature.
Click here or on the image below to visit our page with details on ALL six initiatives.
  Video Update:
I-2113: Time to restore police pursuit!
Click here to watch and learn more.
 In The News:
 Click here to watch full report.
Democratic leaders announced Friday that three of six voter-backed initiatives will have public hearings at the Capitol [NEXT WEEK].
Speaker of the House Rep. Laurie Jinkins and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Andy Billig said three of the initiatives will go straight to voters, but legislators will hold hearings for the other three.
The ones decided by voters are I-2117, calling for the repeal of the state’s climate law, the Climate Commitment Act, I-2109 a move to repeal the capital gains tax, and I-2124 which would allow people to opt out of the now mandatory long-term care payroll deduction.
The initiatives that will get public hearings are I-2113, a call to roll back restrictions placed on police pursuit policies, I-2111 would ban state or local income tax proposals, and I-2081 guarantees parents rights to access medical and school records of their children.
Under state law legislators have three options for dealing with initiatives sent to the Legislature: send them directly to the ballot, adopt the measures, or pass legislation on the same topic and present that to voters on the ballot as an alternative alongside the original initiative.
 Contact us!
I hope you will stay in touch. I am interested in your thoughts about state government, and I hope you will contact my office.
I can be reached by phone at (360) 786-7602 and by email at Jim.McCune@leg.wa.gov. It is an honor to serve as your voice in Olympia.