August 31, 2023
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As your state senator, it is very helpful for me to hear directly from you, but I know it can be difficult to come to Olympia during the legislative session. That is why I created an annual 12th District “listening tour” after my first election to the Senate seven years ago. These listening tours have really helped me hear directly from constituents on issues important to communities. As part of this year’s tour, I’ve scheduled a Town Hall “listening session” in Monroe as well as a presentation to the Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce in Sultan.
Monroe “Town Hall”- Wed. Sept 6th at 6:30 pm
I will be hosting a Town Hall listening session at the Monroe School District Board Room (14692 179th Ave. SE) on Wednesday, September 6th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. This event is available to everyone. I plan to present information about the state budgets and preview the next legislative session. The remainder of the meeting will be available to hear your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Everyone is invited, so if you live near Monroe, I hope you’ll mark your calendars to join me!
You’re invited to a Town Hall “listening session” at the Monroe School District Board Room (14692 179th Ave. SE) on Wednesday, September 6th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. This event is available to everyone. I look forward to hearing about the issues important to you!
Sky Valley Chamber Lunch - Sept 6th at noon
As part of this year’s listening tour, I will serve as the keynote speaker at the Sky Valley Chamber luncheon on Wednesday, September 6th. The lunch event will take place at noon at 319 Main Street in Sultan. My presentation will discuss the new 12th District boundaries, review the state budgets, and preview the 2024 legislative session. I look forward to connecting with Sky Valley businesses, organizations, and local leaders. For more information, please contact the Sky Valley Chamber.
 This year marks my 7th annual district listening tour and includes stops in Chelan, Snohomish, and King counties. I hope you can participate. If you are unable to join us this year, please share your thoughts with me directly through my website at
Sept. 6-8 in Snohomish and King counties
With last year’s redistricting changes, the 12th District has added many communities. The new 12th District boundaries include much of East Wenatchee, all of Chelan County, and portions of Snohomish County (Index to Monroe) and King County (North Bend to Duvall). Approximately half of the population of the new areas include the cities of North Bend, Carnation, Sultan, and Monroe with the other half of the new area located in unincorporated King and Snohomish counties. A new feature of the redesigned 12th District is the Cascade Mountains, including Snoqualmie Pass and Stevens Pass. I have worked hard throughout the year to outreach to all communities in the district and will continue my efforts by dedicating a good portion of this year’s listening tour to westside communities.
 My listening tours have included group and individual meetings throughout the district. This meeting from 2017 involved discussions about key funding needed to improve local trails.
 “Listening tours” prepare me to represent you at our state Capitol in Olympia.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve
Whether you are able to participate in the upcoming listening tour or not, please know that my position exists to serve you. Please feel free to reach out to me and my office anytime. For immediate assistance, call our Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Please like and follow me on Facebook @SenatorBradHawkins for my latest updates. I appreciate hearing your thoughts and ideas about state government. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your state senator.
 Brad Hawkins
State Senator Brad Hawkins 12th Legislative District
107 Newhouse Building - P.O. Box 40412 | Olympia, WA 98504-0412 (360) 786-7622 or Toll-free: (800) 562-6000