A better way for a better Washington

2019 legislative session • January 25, 2019 

The Current -- 2017 legislative session

Dear Friend: 

With the ceremonies and speeches of week one behind us, the real work of the Legislature is underway. While this is considered a long, 105-day session, there is still a lot of work to get done in a relatively short amount of time. 

A better way for a better Washington

Everyone cares about the environment -- including clean air and clean water. Republicans have supported and even led many efforts over the years to protect our environment. For example: clearing fish passages; cleaning up toxic sites; removing legacy nets; getting derelict vessels out of our waterways; and establishing oil train safety measures.

While our state is already one of the greenest and cleanest in the nation, it doesn't mean we can't seek ways to improve. That sentiment is behind a House Republican-sponsored bill that would establish a new energy landscape in our state -- without raising taxes and increasing costs on families. I encourage you to learn more about Rep. Richard DeBolt's Carbon Free Washington Act and contrast it with what the governor is proposing.

This is just one example of Republicans putting forward alternative solutions. I will highlight more of our ideas in the upcoming weeks. You can visit our website to learn more about our priorities this session.        

Inside Olympia interview

I had the opportunity to sit down with Austin Jenkins of TVW's Inside Olympia yesterday for a long interview. I appreciate this format because it allows me to get past the soundbites and into deeper conversations about issues. Austin has always done a really good job of leading these discussions.

If you don't have time to watch the full interview, this short video gives you a behind-the-scenes look and flavor of the conversation. 

March for Life

Each session, groups come to Olympia to support their causes and meet with state lawmakers. No group is more passionate than the March for Life supporters. Their message continues to be a source of inspiration for many of us and I know our members appreciate it.

Pictured below is Rep. Jenny Graham of the 6th District speaking at the March for Life rally on Tuesday. I encourage you to learn more about Jenny. She is an amazing woman.  


Rep. J.T. Wilcox
House Republican Leader
(360) 786-7912

Rep. Jenny Graham

Rep. Jenny Graham of Spokane speaks at the March for Life rally on the Capitol steps.

Carbon Free Washington Act

The governor has introduced climate-related proposals that would increase the costs of power bills, gas and other household items for families, and punish employers. Rep. Richard DeBolt has proposed legislation that represents a better way for a clean energy future in our state -- the Carbon Free Washington Act.

House Bill 1226 received a public hearing in the House Environment and Energy Committee on Monday. You can watch Richard's testimony here

Richard's news release does a nice job of explaining the bill. The Daily Chronicle also reported on the measure in this recent story.

Rep. Andrew Barkis

Rep. Andrew Barkis of Olympia talks to reporters at the Capitol.

Preventing evictions

My seatmate, Rep. Andrew Barkis, joined me at our weekly Republican news conference on Tuesday. He began the event by discussing a package of bipartisan bills he's sponsoring that would provide protections for tenants facing financial hardships and help people avoid being evicted.  

You can learn more about these four bills in Andrew's news release. He also discusses them in his recent "Barkis Breakdown" video. The measures have been referred to the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee.  

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Washington State House Republicans