In Washington state, bats are the only animal known to carryrabies. Rabies is a disease caused by a virus. It infects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) of people and animals. Rabies infection almost always causes death. However, people who are exposed to rabies can prevent infection by getting prompt medical treatment.
Bats can spread rabies by biting, scratching, or licking a person or animal. Mostbats do not have rabies, but it's important to keep your family and pets safe by avoiding contact with bats and making sure pets are vaccinated.
The key to avoiding rabies is keeping batsout of your home. Add screens to windows and doors and coveropenings that could allow bats into your home.
Avoid touching bats. Teach children to never touch bats and to tell an adult if they find a bat at home, at school, or with a pet. Never pick up a bat with bare hands, even if it appears sick or injured.
It is always safest to enjoy wildlife from a distance. Do not attempt to feed or touch wild animals.