October 2023
Hello North Kitsap -
As I wrap up my third month as your County Commissioner, I am happy to be sending out my first newsletter and establishing this way to share information about local and countywide activities.
I came into office the end of summer, just as the Kitsap County 2024 budget process launched. As the former lead budget writer in the Washington State Senate, I am very interested in the process and scope of this aspect of county government. Crafting a budget with two County Commissioners is a very different experience than working with the interests of 146 legislators from different parts of the state!
Budget review hearings were held September 11-14 when all county departments presented 2024 requests to the Budget Review Committee. The committee is composed of the three County Commissioners, the County Administrator, three community representatives, and one organized labor representative.
We continue to fine tune our revenue and expense projections for next year, and the 2024 budget is scheduled to be adopted after a public hearing Monday, December 4 at 5:30 p.m. during our regular business meeting. More information on the budget process and proposed departmental budgets can be found here.
The Commissioners' Office has been busy filling key positions and doing some reorganizing. This month, we hired a second policy analyst to join the Commissioners' staff, Haylee Anderson. Haylee is a Bremerton native who previously worked in my Senate office, so she has great knowledge of our area. We recruited her from the state Attorney General’s Office, where she was a policy analyst. We are very excited to have her on board!
In November, two new staff members also join the Commissioners' Office including a diversity, equity and inclusion manager and a public information officer. Our former County Administrator left in July, and we expect to have someone hired before the end of the year. This key position provides strategic direction and leadership to County Commissioners and supervision across numerous county departments.
I look forward to sharing more of my activities and information about county projects and initiatives with you over the coming months. I welcome your comments and suggestions.
Sincerely, Christine
Have your voice heard in planning for the future
We encourage county residents to take part in the process of planning what our future land-use and growth will look like. Everyone can provide feedback on how community plans impact you, and what you’d like to see incorporated in the ongoing projects and regulatory updates.
To learn more about two major updates underway, please visit our project pages at kcowa.us/cao (Critical Areas Ordinance Update) and kcowa.us/compplan (Comprehensive Plan Update). The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan is also being updated. We will have additional rounds of community meetings, open houses and other opportunities for public comment so be sure to sign up to receive electronic notifications at those project websites to stay informed.
Indianola community meeting
Indianola residents concerned about speed limits, enforcement, intersection hazards and road safety in the area are invited to join me at a community meeting from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 7 at the Indianola Clubhouse, 19876 Indianola Road. Staff from Kitsap County Public Works and the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office will also be on hand to present information and answer questions.
Community Advisory Councils
The Kingston Community Advisory Council (KCAC) and Suquamish Community Advisory Council (SCAC) were created by the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners to facilitate and improve communication between North Kitsap communities and County Commissioners. The councils also promote a sense of community, advise Commissioners, and provide input to county departments and other government agencies about the needs, issues and concerns of residents and business owners.
The councils meet monthly and host special presentations, share information about local events, provide time for public comment, and serve as valuable opportunities for the public to stay informed and engaged. Learn more about these groups and find meeting agendas and community resources on the KCAC and SCAC websites. Information about the November meetings is noted below.
New members are currently sought for the SCAC. Details at kcowa.us/advisorygroups.You'll also find there information about serving on other county advisory groups.