Community Development News - Happy Fourth of July!
Kitsap County Washington sent this bulletin at 07/01/2023 12:00 PM PDT
July 2023
Have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July Holiday!
We encourage everyone to practice safety when celebrating the Fourth of July.
As a reminder, fireworks are only legal to set off on July 4, 2023 from 11 am - 11 pm in unincorporated Kitsap County. Your city may have different guidelines or an outright ban, please check with your city offices for more information.
Kitsap County’s 2024 Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) periodic update is underway with opportunities for the public to get involved and talk about all things wetlands, streams, erosion hazards, landslides, aquifer recharge areas and floodplains.
A Best Available Science Summary, and an accompanying Consistency and Gap Analysis is available for review and feedback on the project’s webpage at The Best Available Science is a review of scientific sources that inform Critical Areas regulations, while the Consistency and Gap analysis is an evaluation of County codes and recommended changes.
Please follow the project webpage for all other meeting links, project schedule and documents, critical areas flipbook and current project status. For questions or comments, please email
Wildland Urban Interface Code Implementation
Beginning on October 29, 2023, Washington's State legislature is implementing the Wildland Urban Interface Code. Kitsap County is required to enforce these provisions as of this date.
About Wildland Urban Interface
Builders and developers in Washington will have additional fire safety regulations to meet. The regulation is referred to as the 2021 Wildland Urban Interface Code (WUI or WUIC), was approved by the state's legislature in November 2022 and will be adopted into the State Building Code on October 29, 2023.
The code is intended to work with the building and fire codes in providing a comprehensive approach to enhancing the protection of properties and structures from wildfire exposure. County staff is currently evaluating the WUI code and preparing for adoption. The next steps will include developing a WUI Code checklist for our staff and customers. Please watch for updates as we move toward implementation.
KITSAP COUNTY Kitsap County government exists to protect and promote the safety, health and welfare of our citizens in an efficient, accessible and effective manner.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The mission of the Department of Community Development is to foster the development of quality, affordable, structurally safe and environmentally sound communities.