Central Kitsap Commissioner Newsletter Winter 2022


Welcome to 2022! We're only a month away from the start of spring but with freezing temperatures this week and snow in some areas, winter is not backing down early. With COVID-19 case counts dropping, there is much to look forward to in the year ahead. This newsletter is a quarterly resource for updates on projects and other happenings in Central Kitsap. Contact the Commissioners' Office at KitsapCommissioners@co.kitsap.wa.us with your questions or concerns – remember, the Board works for you!

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Around the County


County's 2022 Focus

Kitsap County Commissioners recently put out an update that was published in local media and the county website with details on what to look forward to in 2022, including priorities and projects such as affordable housing, infrastructure improvements, and parks planning. Click here to read the article. 


Snow response from Public Works

As snow began to fall on December 26, 2021, Kitsap County Public Works road crews got to work! During the event, they logged 6,868 hours and covered 51,886 miles, pre-treating pavement and then making multiple passes to plow snow, apply over 7,000 tons of sand, 665 tons of salt, and reply to calls of downed trees and road closures. Traffic crews repaired or replaced over 100 damaged road signs. Thank you to the outstanding efforts of Kitsap County road crews who worked tirelessly to get residents back on the road safely and to residents who contacted the County to alert crews to problem areas.

The County's Inclement Weather & Emergency Information website is a vital resource during severe weather events. Make sure to bookmark the page or sign up to receive inclement weather notifications.

Supporting legislation to modify police reform laws

Kitsap County Commissioners joined Kitsap County Sheriff John Gese to write a letter to state legislators in support of Senate Bill 5919, which provides critical and practical modifications to recently enacted police reform laws to allow law enforcement to carry out their vital mission while still being held to high standards and accountability. Please read our letter here.

Sheriff Gese also released a statement regarding several police reform bills the Washington State Legislature enacted in July 2021 that have since dramatically changed the way law enforcement agencies throughout the state are doing business.. Read Sheriff Gese's statement here.


A new funding source for affordable housing

On January 11, County Commissioners passed a 1/10th of 1 percent sales and use tax to go towards affordable housing projects in Kitsap County. Collection of the tax begins April 1, 2022 and is estimated to provide roughly $5 million annually. Commissioners will create a new advisory committee of members of the public to help review applications for these funds and provide recommendations. More details will be available soon! 

Transportation Improvement Program

Kitsap County Public Works maintains and updates its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Annual Construction Program to project funding, timing and prioritization of road and transportation improvements over a six-year time period. The Board of County Commissioners approved the 2022-2027 TIP November 22, 2021. To view the project locations and details view the TIP Map.



Veterans' Drug Treatment Court

Kitsap Veteran’s Treatment Court has helped local veterans since 2012. The County created the program with funds from a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant. The program is now funded through the County's 1/10th of 1 percent sales and use tax designated for mental health, substance abuse and therapeutic courts programs and services. (This fund is separate from the recently approved 1/10th of 1 percent tax for affordable housing.)

The Veteran's Treatment Court serves up to 25 qualified veterans who participate in an 18-month diversion program as an alterative to criminal prosecution for certain felony and/or misdemeanor  crimes. The program offers non-traditional and individualized treatment through a team approach coordinated with supervision, drug and alcohol testing, court appearances and educational opportunities. A combination of incentives and sanctions help motivate and encourage participants toward recovery.

Eligible veterans are paired with mentors who are veterans themselves and provide support to participants. After graduation, charges are dismissed and the participant has a second chance to maintain sobriety, jobs, housing and quality of life. Learn more about drug treatment courts here.



Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan kick off

Kitsap County kicks off the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update later this year. This plan is a 20-year blueprint for local policy, planning and capital facility investment. Washington state's Growth Management Act requires updates every eight years. The last major update was adopted in 2016. A major focus of the Comprehensive Plan is the assignment of land-use and zoning designations for every parcel within unincorporated Kitsap County. Public participation is an integral part of this process. Learn more about the process and opportunities for public input on the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan website


American Rescue Plan

The federal government awarded Kitsap County $53 million through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to provide economic relief to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds need to be expended by the end of 2024. Funding distribution is under careful consideration to best benefit the community. Financial support will be committed to childcare and youth programs, low-income residents, small businesses, broadband infrastructure, and public health, amongst others. Further funding may be available later this year.


Kitsap Transit logo

Funding electric foot ferries

Washington’s legislative leaders introduced a transportation package to significantly increase the state’s commitment to public transportation, including Kitsap Transit. The package would provide Kitsap Transit with just over $3.5 million annually for operations and $6.5 million to support the design and construction of an all-electric passenger ferry as a sistership to Kitsap Transit’s M/V Waterman, a hybrid-electric foot ferry that operates on the Port Orchard-Bremerton route. The package also includes substantial funding for electric buses and charging infrastructure. The Kitsap Transit Board committed to adding an all-electric foot ferry to the agency’s fleet and associated shoreside charging infrastructure. The County will follow this legislation with great interest.

Central Kitsap News


New Silverdale library

The existing Silverdale branch of Kitsap Regional Library, currently located on Carlton Street, will close at 4 p.m. Saturday, March 5 so preparations can be made for opening of the new library. (The book drop will remain open until March 31.)

The new location is at the south end of the Central Kitsap High School campus. Opening is planned this spring. For more information including answers to frequently asked questions and an overview of new features, visit the new Silverdale Library website here.


silverdale transit center new


Silverdale Transit Center

Progress on the proposed Silverdale Transit Center continues at the intersection of Ridgetop Boulevard and State Route 303. On January 4, the Kitsap Transit Board awarded the construction contract to SCI Infrastructure LLC. The new transit center will consist of eight bus bays, passenger waiting shelters and wind screens, storm water management facilities, ADA accessible site improvements, sidewalks, and a bus driver comfort station. Groundbreaking is likely to occur this spring and construction should take about a year. Kitsap Transit is working closely with the Washington State Department of Transportation to design and permit a direct access on-ramp from the transit center to southbound State Route 303, which will reduce traffic and congestion on Ridgetop Boulevard.  For more information, click here.



Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue station groundbreaking

Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Olympic View community fire station February 16. The facility will replace one built in 1963, located at 15393 Olympic View Road NW. This project is the first of nine station projects included in CKFR’s capital bond. Station 52 will be located at 5328 NW Anderson Hill Road in Silverdale. The new station will be approximately 11,000 square feet, including four large apparatus bays, equipment storage, training space, and living/sleeping quarters for firefighters. There will be a public access road off  Anderson Hill Road.

Station 52 was designed to meet the growth in the fire district and reduce response times in Olympic View and surrounding areas. All of the new stations are focused on improving firefighter health and safety, with decontamination areas separated from living and work spaces. The project’s anticipated completion date is February or March of 2023. 

COVID-19 response

Getting vaccinated

Kitsap Public Health website is a great resource for information on COVID-19 vaccines. A vaccine clinic calendar will help find upcoming vaccine opportunities and other providers at kcowa.us/vaccine. Remember, vaccination is free and insurance is not required.

COVID-19 testing

The Kitsap County Emergency Operations Center and Kitsap Public Health District continue to maintain drive-through community COVID test sites at multiple locations. Tests are free. Go to kcowa.us/covidtesting for details or learn about other local testing sites.

County operations

The Kitsap County Administration Building reopened last summer. However, some departments have reduced office hours for the public as many services are now available online. If you plan to visit the county campus in Port Orchard, please check kcowa.us/online for updated details on department office hours and links to online services.