This newsletter is produced weekly. For daily COVID-19 updates, go to kcowa.us/covid19 or sign up to receive the daily bulletin produced by the Kitsap County Emergency Operations Center. You can manage your subscriptions using the links at the very bottom of this bulletin.
More than 50% of Kitsap adults have started vaccination; state could reopen June 30

More than half of Kitsap residents 16 or older have started COVID-19 vaccination! This is an important milestone in our race to get a high enough percentage of Kitsap residents vaccinated to squash the spread of the virus. We are working to make sure vaccination is easily available to every resident 12 and older in our county. See our vaccine page for more information.
Gov. Inslee has announced plans to end virtually all restrictions on businesses and activities on June 30, or even sooner if the state’s vaccination rate reaches the 70% milestone. Learn more at governor.wa.gov
People who are fully vaccinated no longer need to mask in most indoor and outdoor settings, according to new guidance from the CDC. Masks are still required in health care settings like hospitals, long-term care facilities, or clinics, as well as correctional facilities, homeless shelters, schools, and public transportation. Businesses can still require customers to wear masks. What else can you do when you’re fully vaccinated? Find out at cdc.gov/coronavirus and doh.wa.gov.
Today is the last day to take our COVID-19 community survey. Thank you to the more than 6,000 community members who have already participated!
Download our weekly outlook report as a PDF that you can print and share in your community. Thank you for spreading reliable information about COVID-19!
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Numbers to know
As of May 18, 50% of Kitsap residents 16 and older had received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 44% were fully vaccinated.
228 COVID-19 cases were reported in our county in the most recent week with full data available (April 25- May 1): 1 case in Bainbridge, 54 in Bremerton, 42 in Central Kitsap, 28 in North Kitsap, 103 in South Kitsap.
- Kitsap County's rate of cases per 100,000 population over 14 days — a key metric in state reopening plans — has fallen to about 160. COVID-19 continues to spread widely in the county, but the rate of new cases reported has declined since late April.
111 COVID-19-associated deaths have been reported in Kitsap to date.
- Find more local COVID-19 data at kcowa.us/covid19data
Fight the spread of COVID-19
We will need to use all the tools available to us to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end:
- Get a COVID-19 vaccine if you haven't yet. Go to covidvaccinewa.org or call 1-800-525-0127 for information. Kitsap Public Health has appointments available at kphd.timetap.com
- Wear a mask when you are around people you don't live with.
- Keep at least 6 feet of space between you and people you don't live with.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been around someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Go to kcowa.us/covidtesting
QUESTIONS? CONTACT: pio@kitsappublichealth.org