Stormwater Design Manual Update


Stormwater Design Manual Update


In 2019, the Washington State Department of Ecology revised its stormwater design manual for counties and cities located in Western Washington. As a result, Kitsap County is in the process of updating its Stormwater Design Manual and relevant development codes. 

Before this first draft of the manual enters the legislative approval process and before a final decision by the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners, community members are invited to review the draft and share comments.  


Please click here to visit our website for more information. You may also view the first draft manual and relevant documents by clicking the links below: 


Stormwater Design Manual 

List of Figures

Stormwater Design Manual Summary of Changes


First Draft Comment Period Open Until  April 17, 2020


How can I submit comments on the Stormwater Design Manual First Draft?

Written comments on the first draft proposal are due April 17, 2020.  Written comments on the first draft can be submitted:

  • Email Contact:  Scott Diener via;
  • US Mail Delivered to: Kitsap County DCD, 614 Division Street, MS-36, Port Orchard, WA 98366;
  • Drop Off Location:  Permit Center on the 2nd Floor at 619 Division Street, Port Orchard; or
  • Submit Comments Online: Click to Visit the Online Comment form


After review of all comments submitted on the first draft proposal, revisions, where appropriate, may be made and a second draft prepared. This second draft will then move forward to the Kitsap County Planning Commission review and recommendation process.  

Kitsap County Planning Commission                                                                                Oral and written testimony on a second draft may also be made to the Kitsap County Planning Commission during their public hearing, tentatively scheduled for June 16, 2020


Please visit the project website for updates and schedule changes.




                         Kitsap County Department of Community Development

             Your partner in building safe, resilient, and sustainable communities!