Prepared not scared - Tip # 4 Tsunami safety

Prepared not scared 3


What is a tsunami?

A tsunami is a series of  large and destructive waves, usually caused by an underwater earthquake.  

You may have seen tsunami evacuation information when visiting the Washington and Oregon oceanfront communities, because the ocean had the greatest propensity to being affected by a tsunami. But what most people don't know, is that earthquakes along the Seattle Fault could also trigger a tsunami in the Puget Sound. 

We want you to be #KitsapReady here and when visiting the ocean coast!

Tip # 4 - Tsunami safety

#1- The shaking is your warning! 

  • It is important to know how to stay safe during an earthquake, visit Tip # 2 what to do during an earthquake.
  • If you are visiting the ocean and hear a loud siren it means that an earthquake in a distant location, like Alaska has triggered a tsunami.
  • When arriving for your visit, look for signs that mark tsunami evacuation routes.
During E quake

#2 - Go to high ground or inland!

  • The first wave is could  impact the Kitsap County coastline within 1-2 minutes, move to higher ground if you are on or near the beach.
  • In Kitsap County, it is recommended that you go to an elevation of 15 feet above the waterline and remain there after a strong earthquake.
In land

# 3 - Stay there!

  • Tsunamis are a series of waves -the first wave is not always the largest -tsunami waves can last for hours.
  • Tsunamis can be thunderous walls of water that immediately flood inland areas. 
  • Tsunami waves of any size, can create strong currents that can cause damage and easily sweep people off their feet.
  • A person cannot swim, surf, or outrun a tsunami
Stay There


For More information visit: The Department of Emergency Management

For questions, call 360.337.5777  or email:

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