A look back on major milestones reached during 2024 construction
Crews use a boom concrete pump to pour flooring for the new transfer station
Over the course of 2024, the new South County Recycling and Transfer Station reached several key milestones. Here is a look back on everything that happened last year:
Construction milestones achieved:
Roadwork on West Valley Highway South: Last summer, crews began roadwork along West Valley Highway South, including the installation of new utilities including gas, electrical, and fiber lines. Road work on West Valley Highway South will begin again in summer 2025.
Sewer line upgrade on 11th Avenue North: King County upgraded the sewer line under 11th Avenue North in Algona to accommodate the new South County Recycling and Transfer Station. Work began in July and was completed in the fall.
Transfer station building foundation: Crews completed the lower level of the transfer building where the compactors will be located. Work continues on the ground floor with the building shell to be erected over the winter.
Stream realignment and habitat improvement: Crews have daylighted the stream on site, improving natural habitat for wildlife and plants.
Stormwater vaults nearing completion: These vaults temporarily hold and filter runoff during heavy rain. One vault has been completed, with the two remaining vaults nearing full completion.
Additional project accomplishments:
Salmon-Safe certification: In recognition of our efforts toward construction site erosion and sediment control, the team was awarded with Salmon-Safe certification for the conservation of urban habitat and water quality.
Interurban Trail signage mapping completed: We continue to collaborate with several community groups to design wayfinding signage that shares the history of the area and directs visitors to places of cultural significance. New sign locations have been mapped out and sign design is now underway.
Apprenticeship and priority hire goals: King County exceeded its goal of 21% minority apprenticeship goals, reaching a total of 36.4%.
Art installations progress: The artists continue refining design elements, stenciling, and lighting for the installation.
Construction work will continue at the site of the new station over the winter and spring. There may be additional utility work along West Valley Highway South during winter and spring 2025. Expect possible lane closures and flagging.
Supporting Small Businesses
While construction continues, businesses in the area remain open. We encourage everyone to support the local businesses that make our community special. There are many great options for coffee, dining, and other services just around the corner.
Project Background
The existing 1960s-era Algona Transfer Station is one of the oldest, busiest transfer stations in the King County solid waste system. The station is located on a small site and offers only limited recycling services. The new station will provide comprehensive recycling services, hazardous waste disposal, sustainable building features, offsite wetlands improvements, on-site creek enhancements, public art, and other community benefits. The new station is scheduled to open to the public as soon as summer 2026.