SUMMARY King County has allocated $5 million in one-time funding for one or more cities located in south King County to site, construct, or operate projects that support and serve unsheltered individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
In support of increasing shelter capacity and rapidly serving people and families experiencing homelessness, King County is releasing a $5 million funding opportunity for cities in south King County to assist in local response efforts. This investment will provide a city or cities with potential funding for additional, safe, emergency shelter for unsheltered families and individuals as they work to find long-term, stable housing.
“These investments will help cities build tailored, community-focused solutions to the regional challenge of homelessness. Too many of our neighbors will sleep outside tonight, but working with cities around King County we can bring more people inside,” said Executive Constantine. “King County is focused on expanding supportive housing and enhanced shelter to match the urgent housing and homelessness crisis.”
The $5 million in funding is intended to further align with broader countywide efforts. Eligible proposals include:
- Acquiring ownership or site control of land/property for residential uses through purchase, donation, or other means.
- Building construction, including feasibility, due diligence, permitting, architectural design, engineering, etc.
- Purchasing furnishings (e.g., beds/bedding, lockers, tables, and chairs) and appliances (e.g., refrigerators, washers/dryers, air purifiers).
- Supporting operational and program costs associated with an existing shelter.
The RFP is open now, and applications will be rolling until the funds are exhausted. The first round of applications will be reviewed beginning January 8. Only responsive proposals that meet the threshold requirements will be evaluated by a King County designated review panel. Notifications of awards will begin in early 2024. The funding will cover costs incurred from the contract start date through December 31, 2026.