► Share your ideas by August 25!
King County Local Services is asking people who live in unincorporated areas (areas that lie outside city limits) what would make their communities better places to live.
Local Services will work with communities to make a Community Needs List—a list of desired services, programs, facilities, and capital improvements—for each area. The county will use these lists to help make budget decisions next year.
How to share
► Online at PublicInput.com/CommunityNeeds ► By phone at 206-477-3800 ► Questions? AskLocalServices@kingcounty.gov
Road Services
NE Woodinville-Duvall Road to remain closed through Aug. 15
As a reminder, NE Woodinville Duvall Road in Cottage Lake remains fully closed at NE 172nd Street until midnight on Tuesday, August 15 for critical culvert replacement work.
Your patience is much appreciated as this important work takes place.
Learn more on the project website.
Clough Creek Bridge will close for two weeks
King County will close, remove, and replace a short-span bridge on 415th Way SE at 141st Street for two weeks this month.
The bridge will be closed to all traffic—including vehicles, trucks, emergency response, bicycles, and pedestrians—from 7 a.m. on Monday, August 7 to 4 p.m. on Monday, August 21. When the work is finished and the road reopens, the existing load restrictions will be removed.
Learn more about this project on the project website. For the most up-to-date status, of this and any other Road Services project, see the MyCommute website.
Public Health
Free vaccination events for south King County students provide COVID-19 vaccine and school-required vaccinations
Beat the back-to-school rush and make a vaccination appointment with your child’s health care provider now.
In addition, upcoming COVID-19 vaccines and vaccinations required for school entry are available to children through age 18 at no-cost, convenient vaccination events throughout the summer and early fall.
These events are hosted by Go-Vax Kids, HealthPoint, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, and Stepping Stone Pediatrics in collaboration with school districts and community-based organizations. Check Public Health – Seattle & King County’s Find a Clinic web page for a list of no-cost vaccination events, locations, and times. The page will be continuously updated as additional events are scheduled.
Each event will provide COVID-19 vaccines and boosters as well as all vaccines required for K-12 school entry—including Tdap, DTaP, MMR, hepatitis B, varicella, and polio. Every child who gets vaccinated at these clinics will receive two free tickets to a Seattle Storm home game, while supplies last.
These events are intended for children through age 18 living in south King County, as well as children who are uninsured, are experiencing homelessness, or who recently moved to the U.S. and do not have a health care provider.
Children do not need to be established patients to receive free vaccinations at any of these events. Vaccinations will be available at no cost, regardless of immigration or citizenship status. Families may be asked for insurance information but they will not be charged. No one will be turned away for lack of insurance.
Please wear short sleeves. Families are strongly encouraged to bring any vaccination records from other states or countries. Language interpretation is available upon request.
Natural Resources and Parks
CHOMP! returns to Marymoor Park August 19
King County's celebration of local food and sustainable living returns Aug. 19 to Marymoor Park in Redmond with live music from Blind Boys of Alabama plus a full day's worth of free, fun activities for all ages.
Activities will start at 10 a.m., including a farmers market, local food vendors, tree climbing, NW Kung Fu lion dance, a petting zoo, a fix-it fair, and a scavenger hunt.
Learn more on the CHOMP! website.
Help design a stormwater park at the Cemetery Pond wetland
Join a virtual open house on Tuesday, August 22, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Get an update on the Cemetery Pond restoration work and 30% design for this stormwater park. What would you like to see at the park for human and animal visitors?
Questions or comments? Email project manager Matt McNair,call 206-477-4861, or see the Cemetery Pond website.
Photo: Left to right: Community members Edris (Edie) Jorgensen and Alvin Materi alongside King County staff members Matt Anderson and Monica Shoemaker at the June 2023 Cemetery Pond work party (photo by Tamie Kellogg, Kellogg Consulting).
Summer weeds to watch for in the Pacific NW
It’s no secret that plants—those we want and those we don't—love this part of the world. King County's noxious weed specialists have narrowed down a very long list of local weeds to a list of just seven weeds to watch for this summer here in Western Washington.
Learn how to identify them at this time of year so you can be a part of the solution and help protect our natural areas from the impacts of noxious weeds.
See the list and learn more on this blog post: https://kingcountyweeds.com/2023/06/20/summer-weeds-to-watch-for/
Flooding happens. Let’s plan for the future, together.
 Photo: The Cedar River flooded Renton-Maple Valley Road SE in 2009.
Flooding is the most common natural disaster in King County, and it’s likely to get worse with climate change. The King County Flood Management Plan is being updated this year. You don’t need to be an expert in flooding to provide valuable input. Your ideas can make a difference!
Take the flood plan survey today. Your responses will help shape the priorities in the next plan and will affect programs and policies in unincorporated King County.
For more information about this project, visit kingcounty.gov/floodplan or contact Jason Wilkinson at 206-477-4786 or jason.wilkinson@kingcounty.gov.
Surface Water Management Fee discount for property owners with low incomes—apply by Sept. 15
If you qualify as a low-income household and live on your own property in unincorporated King County, you may be eligible for a 50% discount on the annual surface water management fee on your land parcel(s).
Residents approved for the King County Senior Citizen and People with Disabilities Reduction in Property Taxes are already approved for this discount and do not need to apply.
The application period is August 1 through September 15 of each year. Learn more about the fee discount on the King County website, call 206-477-4800, or send email. Information about the discount is available online in English, Español | 한국어 | Af-Soomaali | русский | 中文 | Tiếng Việt (Spanish, Korean, Somali, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese).
Got Hazardous Waste? The Wastemobile can help!
King County's Wastemobile offers free, easy, convenient, and safe hazardous waste disposal. Residents and small businesses can drop off household hazardous waste such as oil-based paint, batteries, antifreeze, or pesticides to the Wastemobile at no cost.
The Wastemobile website offers a full schedule and instructions as well as complete lists of accepted items and quantity limits for households and eligible businesses.
Emergency management
New regional wildfire evacuation campaign fires up
 Wildfires have become regular occurrences in recent years.
This summer, King County Emergency Management and King County regional fire authorities will roll out a new “READY, SET, GO!” campaign to help residents prepare for wildfire season and better understand authorities’ evacuation communications during wildfires. Here are the three evacuation levels:
READY: Possible evacuation for your area (Level 1) – Be aware of the danger in your area and start preparing for possible evacuation. Monitor local media and check on neighbors. Conditions can change suddenly, and you may not receive a Level 2 "Get Set” warning before you are ordered to Level 3 “Go! Evacuate now.” Prepare both the inside and outside of your home for fire. Always remember to leave if you feel unsafe—you don't have to wait for an evacuation order.
SET: Short notice evacuation likely for your area (Level 2) – Be prepared for sudden evacuation. People who need help or more time should evacuate now. Make sure your evacuation plan checklist is complete and that your go-kit is in your vehicle. Stay informed by local law enforcement and fire departments. Always remember to leave if you feel unsafe.
GO: Evacuate immediately from your area (Level 3) – Leave now! The danger in your area is current or imminent. Follow directions from law enforcement or fire departments and do not return home until officials have determined it is safe. Notification that it is safe to return home will be given as soon as possible.
The campaign is part of the King County Wildfire Risk Reduction Strategy. Learn more about fire safety at kingcounty.gov/wildfire.
Records and licensing
Vashon vehicle and vessel licensing office is closed
The Vashon Vehicle Licensing Office, which also licensed vessels, has permanently closed after the subagent chose to end their contract.
Customers who had paperwork at the Vashon office should contact King County Vehicle and Vessel Licensing at 206‑477‑4000 or by email at licensing@kingcounty.gov for assistance.
King County is preparing a Request for Proposals to seek a new subagent for the Vashon area. If the county is able to find a qualified applicant, a new office could open in a location yet to be determined.
In the meantime, Vashon customers can renew their license tabs online at dol.wa.gov and choose a subagent office to mail out their renewals. Customers can also mail transactions for processing by a subagent. A complete list of subagents is available online.
Grants available to pay for cultural equipment
Need shelving, stage lights, kilns, or computers?
4Culture is currently offering grants for King County cultural organizations to purchase equipment.
Learn more and apply on the 4Culture website.
WSU Extension
Upcoming learning opportunity for King County forest owners
Registration is still open for one upcoming program from WSU (Washington State University) Extension for owners of forested and wooded property in King County.
Preston Forest Stewardship Coached Planning course (starts September 5 at the Preston Community Center) Learn everything you need to know about caring for your forest, including how to write your own personalized forest stewardship plan that could help qualifying landowners save money on property taxes through King County's Public Benefit Rating System (PBRS) program. Participants will receive a site visit to their property by a professional forester. Cost: $175; pre-registration is required.
Come to a free mural dedication party at historic Pet Cemetery on Kent's West Hill on August 9
The Friends of the Seattle Tacoma Pet Cemetery will hold a mural dedication party event next to the historic pet cemetery on Wednesday, August 9. The murals were painted during Kent Cornucopia Days in July. Free refreshments and music will be provided—adults, kids, and pets are all welcome.
When: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Where: 23646 Military Road S Contact: friendsofstpc@gmail.com
:: Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage
Lord of Life Lutheran Church 12819 160th Avenue SE, Renton
See blog for the latest information and to confirm meetings.
:: Enumclaw Plateau Community Association
Third Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Muckleshoot Library (King County Library branch) 39917 Auburn Enumclaw Road SE, Auburn
Monthly board meetings are open to the public, and often feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from a variety of local organizations. For more information email Nancy Merrill.
:: Fall City Community Association
First Tuesdays – Virtual meeting (7-8:30 pm)
The Fall City Community Association promotes building of community, proactively communicates on local issues, and takes action on selected issues that affect the Fall City community. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month, and are open to the public. For more information, visit fallcity.org or email send email.
:: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council
Second Tuesdays – Virtual meeting via Zoom
Visit the website for the latest information and to confirm meeting dates and locations.
:: Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council
Monday, August 7, 7-9:30 pm – in person or via Zoom Maple Valley Fire Station 22225 SE 231st St (across from the King County Sheriff’s Precinct #3)
Visit the website for the agenda, guest speakers, and Zoom information, which will be posted several days before the meeting.
:: Green Valley/Lake Holm Association
The Green Valley/Lake Holm Association advocates for those who live in unincorporated southeast King County. Primary goals are to maintain the community’s unique historic, agricultural, and rural character; protect the environment; and sustain quality of life in the area. They engage regularly with local government agencies to address concerns and influence policies on topics of mutual interest, such as growth and development, transportation, public safety, and flood control. Stay connected by visiting their Facebook page.
:: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council
Monthly board meetings are open to the public and often feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from local organizations. For more information, email Liz Giba.
:: Skywest Tool Library
Working to start a new tool library in Skyway. The purpose of the library will be to share ideas, teach, learn, and borrow tools and more. To learn more, email HNA71@msn.com.
:: Upper Bear Creek Community Council
For information, call Nancy Stafford at 425-788-5841 or visit the Facebook page.
:: Vashon Chamber of Commerce
Send email or visit the website.
:: Vashon-Maury Community Council
Thursday, August 3, 7-8:30 pm – in person or via Zoom Vashon Land Trust 10014 SW Bank Road, Vashon
Monthly board meetings are open to the public, and often feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from a variety of local organizations. For more information visit the website.
:: West Hill Community Association
Meetings are in person or via Zoom Skyway Fire District 20 Admin Building 12424 76th Avenue S, Seattle
Monthly board meetings are open to the public, and often feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from a variety of local organizations. For more information, send email or visit the website.