NWPSC November 2022 Newsletter

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November 2022



EPR Rulemaking Advisory Committee meetings
Oregon DEQ is undertaking rulemaking to clarify and implement the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act of 2021. The Act requires producers of packaging, paper products, and food service ware to support and expand recycling services in Oregon for their products. This is the first of two anticipated rulemakings related to the Act. For this first rulemaking, DEQ plans to propose rules related to topics including producer responsibility program plan content; DEQ's administrative fees; the funding and reimbursement of local governments for eligible recycling-related expenses; and the materials suitable for recycling collection in Oregon. DEQ is convening an advisory committee to review the technical issues and fiscal impacts related to the proposed rules. The next meeting is scheduled for January 11.

Oregon Recycling System Advisory Council
At the October 20 meeting of the Oregon Recycling System Advisory Council, stakeholders discussed proposed recycling acceptance lists for both Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) and local governments. According to the Council's 2022 Annual Report, it has yet to make formal recommendations to either the PROs or DEQ. A rulemaking meeting on recycling acceptance lists is scheduled to take place on January 11, 2023.

Modernizing Oregon E-Cycles
Oregon DEQ held its third modernizing Oregon E-Cycles workshop on November 1. DEQ and the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) reviewed proposals for updating covered materials, convenience standards, collection costs, and registration requirements through future legislation. The next workshop is scheduled for December 14.


Upcoming stakeholder meetings

  • EPR for Packaging & Paper Products: Washington State Representative Liz Berry will be hosting a stakeholder meeting on November 29 to discuss the state’s latest EPR for packaging and paper products proposal. Attendance is by invitation only; questions may be directed to Rep. Berry’s Legislative Assistant Natalie Whitesel.
  • EPR for Batteries: Washington State Senator Derek Stanford is convening stakeholder meetings to discuss Battery EPR for Washington. The next meeting is scheduled for November 31.

Programs & Newsinfographic from PaintCare Washington 2021 report

Washington & Oregon Paint Stewardship annual reports
In September 2022, the Dept. of Ecology approved PaintCare Washington's first annual report, covering the period April 1 to Dec. 31, 2021. The program collected 581,363 gallons of postconsumer paint. The 2021 Report detailed program costs, education and outreach efforts, collection volumes and methods, as well as transportation and processing activities. The PaintCare Oregon 2021 Annual Report is also available.

On Greenpeace's report "plastic recycling is a failed concept"
A recent report by Greenpeace drew media attention to the recyclability of plastics. NPR interviewed a service provider in Oregon; see also The Verge, CBS News; and HuffPost. While the Greenpeace report does point to producer responsibility (EPR), it states that plastic recycling does not work and questions whether it ever will work. This has led to responses to the actual state of plastic recycling, which nationally may be very poor, but locally functions just as well as other materials. Read a response from Seattle Public Utilities and Resource Recycling’s editorial.

Events & Webinars

Oregon DEQ outreach to local governments and waste service providers. Local government officials, waste service providers, and wasteshed representatives are invited to attend or review DEQ's informational presentations about the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act, its impact on local communities, and opportunities for expanding recycling services.

EPR master class on Chemical Recycling: on November 17, the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) hosted an expert panel to discuss the range of technologies that fall under the chemical recycling umbrella and consider criteria to determine which, if any, can support a sustainable economy, prevent waste and pollution, and curb greenhouse gas emissions - watch the webinar recording.

EPR for Packaging - Policy Options that Integrate Climate Mitigation: on November 16, the West Coast Climate & Materials Management Forum hosted a webinar on how EPR policy could do more to support climate and pollution solutions. The webinar introduced four concepts that aim to improve and expand upon existing policy proposals: 1) funding prevention and reuse, 2) prevention and reuse targets, 3) impact evaluation and disclosure, and 4) optimizing (as opposed to maximizing) recycling. The West Coast Climate Forum will host smaller group conversations in December to further explore these ideas and their potential application in EPR policy for packaging. Visit the West Coast Climate Forum website for more information.

Batteries: the Positives, Negatives, and Everything in Between: on October 24, WSRA & the Hazardous Waste Management Program hosted a webinar with a range of technical experts in the battery recycling world to provide an overview of battery recycling including its operational and humanitarian challenges - watch the webinar recording.

EPR master class on Compostable Packaging: on October 27, PSI hosted a webinar discussing the definitions, labeling, material management and infrastructure opportunities and challenges surrounding compostable packaging - watch the webinar recording.

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Northwest Product Stewardship Council (NWPSC)The Northwest Product Stewardship Council (NWPSC) is a coalition of government agencies in Washington and Oregon working on solid waste, recycling, resource conservation, environmental protection, public health and other issues. Together with non-government agencies, businesses and individuals, we form a network that supports product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies and programs. For more information, contact info@productstewardship.net or visit us at www.ProductStewardship.net.

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