Revised Radio Deployment Schedule Ready: The PSERN Project revised the Radio Deployment wave durations and Transition Date schedule based on codeplug development status and the critical need to transition all agencies to PSERN by June 2023. View New Schedule.
Updated Agency Deployment Checklist: To support agencies in preparing their radio inventory for exchange, the Project has updated our Radio Deployment Preparation Checklist. Agencies should be actively preparing each of their radios to be exchanged based on their radio ID number. Additionally, agencies with mobile radios need to ensure that the Project has the current vehicle asset number for each mobile radio ID number.
DAS Property Shutdown Dates Available: The Project has now been able to determine DAS Shutdown Dates when properties per geographic area will need to disable their public safety DAS to ensure there is no interference to the radio system as first responders begin using PSERN. Visit DAS Migration Process Overview for more information about how properties need to prepare.
Update on PSERN Operator Rate Setting: The PSERN Operator will be discussing the estimated PSERN Subscriber Rates (page 26) at the upcoming October 27th Board meeting, including when PSERN rates will commence. Agencies can review the estimated rates for planning purposes, but please note that they are subject to change. More information will be shared next month.
Budgeting for Radio Maintenance: Agencies should familiarize themselves with the requirement to maintain radios as outlined in the Radio End User Service Level Agreement (SLA) (5.3.13). More information can be found in the September newsletter “Radio Annual Maintenance/Replacement” article.
Since May, the Project has been analyzing the Radio Deployment and Transition Date schedule, developing mitigation strategies to address challenges, and convening stakeholders to discuss alternative approaches. From that work, calculations for needed deployment progress targets have been determined so that the Wave 4 Transition Date occurs in June 2023, with all agencies throughout King County using PSERN for their daily operations by then. View the Revised Radio Deployment and Transition Date Schedule.
Wave 4 Transition Date needs to occur by mid-June 2023 because it is the latest time that will:
- Enable achievement of FSA before the end of 2023.
- Allow KCERCS decommissioning work at mountain sites to be completed by the summer of 2023.
- Allow system upgrade work at mountain sites to be completed in the summer of 2023.
- Avoid any deployment or agency transition activities during the busy summer months. (July and August 2023 include the Independence Day holiday, Major League Baseball All-Star Week, and Seafair.)
- Enable the PSERN Operator to assume operational responsibility without exceeding its currently allocated startup funding.
Because FSA is dependent on the completion of Radio Deployment and Transition Dates, they are now the focus of planning and activities over the coming months. The Project is currently working directly with agencies to schedule for deployment and convening workgroups for transition planning.
Based on the target June 2023 date for completion of Radio Deployment and agency transition, and in consideration of the need for time (eight weeks is assumed) between Transition Dates to support public safety DAS Migration, the following are the target
Wave Transition timeframes:
W 1 (Sound Transit Ops/SPU): November 2022
W 2 (Seattle Area Agencies): February 2023
W 3 (South of I-90 Agencies): April 2023
W 4 (North of I-90 Agencies): June 2023
This Transition Date schedule would enable the achievement of Full System Acceptance (FSA) on or about December 2023, with the closeout of the Project occurring approximately 6 months later, at the end of June 2024.
The following Project schedule is subject to change, but is accurate as of 9/22/2022:
Radio Deployment & Transition: January 2022 - June 2023
Full System Acceptance: December 2023
Deployment of radios resumed on September 19th as expected and the PSERN Project will continue to monitor progress against target rates on a weekly basis, employing mitigation strategies as needed to maintain the schedule. The following is the general status per wave as of 10/5/2022:
Wave 1 (SPU/Sound Transit Operations): SPU and Sound Transit Operations have received all of their mobile radios and portable radios, as well as control stations are still in process of being deployed. Additionally, the SPU mobiles that were deployed earlier, will be receiving some upgraded programming to eliminate the need to bring them back in prior to system optimization. Wave 1 is scheduled to be completed by November 2022.
Wave 2 (Seattle Area Agencies/Public Safety Portables): Seattle Fire and UW Police have received all of their mobile radios and the remaining mobile radio deployment to other Seattle Area Agencies is still in progress. Portable radios for Seattle Fire and Seattle Police will be deployed shortly and will be followed by deployment of portables to other public safety agencies as the programming is ready. Wave 2 is scheduled to be completed by February 2023.
Wave 3 (South of I-90 Agencies): Wave 3 started on October 3rd with public safety vehicles filling in open spots on the mobile installation schedule, but Wave 2 mobiles are the priority. Wave 3 is scheduled to be completed by April 2023.
Wave 4 (North of I-90 Agencies): Wave 4 is scheduled to begin in January 2023 and continue until June 2023.
The DAS Migration Process is when over 700 properties in King County will need to disable their public safety Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) from the analog emergency radio system and take steps to become compliant with the new digital Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN). For more information, including estimated DAS Shutdown Dates and how the Project will be coordinating with other stakeholders, please visit the DAS Migration Process. If you have any questions, please contact DAS-PSERN@kingcounty.gov.