Prepare Radio Inventory for Exchange: Agencies should be actively preparing each of their radios to be exchanged based on their radio ID number. Additionally, agencies with mobile radios need to ensure that the Project has the current vehicle asset number for each mobile radio ID number. View the Radio Deployment Preparation Checklist for more information on how to prepare.
Ensure Accessory Compatibility: Agencies that use earpieces for law enforcement, SCBAs for firefighting, desksets in hospitals, or other specialty accessories need to confirm those accessories are compatible with the new radios they will be receiving or, if not, purchase compatible accessories for their new radios. More information can be found here.
Radios Purchased After Final Radio Inventory Need Programming: Any agency that purchased radios after the Final Radio Inventory in April 2021 and intends to use them on PSERN will need to contact PSERN-INFO@kingcounty.gov with the radio information so that the radios can be programmed for PSERN.
No August Newsletter: The next PSERN Bulletin will be in September.
The PSERN Project is now six months into Radio Deployment and focusing on incorporating lessons learned to develop the best approach to move forward. Information about an updated schedule, Transition Dates, and how issues, such as programming challenges or supply chain impacts are being addressed, will be shared as soon as possible. In the meantime, the following is the general status of deployment per wave as of June 24th:
Wave 1 (SPU/Sound Transit Operations): The Project has deployed 64% of the total radios in Wave 1. All but a few of the mobile radios have been deployed and the remaining are still waiting for the vehicles to become available. Some portable radios have been deployed and the remaining are either being programmed or in the process of being deployed. Additionally, some other portable radios have been identified that were not in the Final Radio Inventory and discussions are in process to determine how to address those radios. The consolettes are now available to begin programming. The date for completion of Wave 1 is being finalized.
Wave 2 (Seattle Area Agencies/Public Safety Portables): The Project has deployed 6% of the total radios in Wave 2. The mobile radio installations continue with 45% now completed. Programming for portable radios is underway and when ready, the Project expects to begin deploying portable radios to Seattle Fire and Seattle Police, followed by other Seattle agencies and then other public safety agencies throughout the county. The collection of control station data to support programming is continuing.
Wave 3 (South of I-90 Agencies): Mobile radio installations for agencies in Wave 3 are expected to begin in mid-July.
Wave 4 (North of I-90 Agencies): The timing for commencement of mobile radio installations for Wave 4 agencies will be provided with the revised schedule.
The following Project schedule is subject to change, but is accurate as of 6/23/2022*:
Radio Deployment & Transition: January 2022 - January 2023
Full System Acceptance: June 2023
* An updated PSERN Project schedule will be available soon.
The PSERN Operator is still aiming to establish a draft 2023 operating budget and draft PSERN subscriber rates by the end of August with finalization no later than October 2022. The Operator recognizes, however, that some agencies need to begin their 2023 budgeting process prior to that timeframe. To support agency budgeting, you can find monthly subscriber rate estimates in the April PSERN Operator Board of Directors meeting – 2023 PSERN Operating Budget and Rate Setting Staff Report (page 13). Please consider these estimates to be a preliminary forecast with an accuracy of +/- 15% because the 2023 PSERN Operator operating budget has not yet been set and approved.
Additionally, at this time it is unclear when PSERN subscriber fees will commence and KCERCS subscriber fees terminate. Annual radio maintenance service fees will continue to be separate from the radio system subscriber fees and be set by the Radio Shops. Progress towards PSERN subscriber rates will be shared at the upcoming PSERN Operator Board of Directors meetings, which are open to the public. Meeting location information and materials can be found here.
The PSERN Operator engaged the certified public accounting firm, Clark Nuber PS, to perform financial advisory work and facilitate a board workshop on July 11, 2022. At the board workshop, the Operator Board will review and discuss several topics, including:
Operating Costs: Further work to estimate, validate, and update operating costs is underway.
Allocation Methodology: The cost allocation methodology for 2023 needs to be confirmed and will result in a revised split of operating costs between radio and console service fees.
Rate Stabilization Funds: The approach and methodology for allocating rate stabilization funds need to be determined.
Operating and Capital Reserves: A determination needs to be made about if and when additional operating and capital reserves should be established and how they should be funded.
At the regular July 28, 2022, Operator Board meeting, the Operator Board will confirm and approve outcomes from the workshop discussion that will guide the 2023 budget development and rate-setting process. A draft budget and rates will then be presented at the August 26, 2022, Operator Board meeting. More information about Operator Board meetings and materials can be found here.