Updated Radio Deployment Wave Chart: To support planning, estimated starting months per wave have been added to the Wave Chart.
Hiring for DAS Transition: The Project is recruiting for two Electronic Communications Specialists to perform DAS (Distributed Antenna System) quality assurance work.
DAS Vendor Town Halls: The Project will be hosting two webinars on Tuesday, November 16th, 10 am – 11 am, and Thursday, November 17th, 1 pm – 2 pm, to check in with the DAS Vendor community on their progress preparing properties for the transition to PSERN and to share new logistical and paperwork information. DAS Vendors who are interested in attending, please email DAS-PSERN@kingcounty.gov.
To create the full Radio Deployment Schedule, the Project needs to collaboratively work with the 106 agencies receiving radios to determine the mobile radio vehicle installation appointments and portable radio distribution. The Project has been discussing scheduling with agencies in the Wave 1 and Wave 2 deployment waves and is beginning to reach out to Wave 3 and Wave 4 agencies now. Wave 1 agencies should receive their finalized scheduling details for both mobile radios and portable radios by early January. Agencies in later waves should receive details at least one month prior to their assigned deployment. The Project should be able to provide start and end dates for each wave in the January newsletter but estimated starting months have been added to the Wave Chart.
The portable (hand-held) radio distribution process will be determined during the scheduling process, which is currently happening. Since current radio IDs will be reused, the main consideration is to prevent two radios with the same radio ID from being used at the same time. The two distribution options are:
- One-for-one exchange where an individual brings their radio to a distribution location and exchanges it for the specific new radio with their radio ID
- Bulk exchange where the Project provides a batch of radios to an agency, they perform the one-for-one exchange and then return a batch of old radios to the Project
Once the agency commits to the distribution option, additional logistical information with be provided such as specific times and locations for exchange.
Dates are accurate as of 10/28/21:
Site Construction: April 2016 - November 2021 (building radio towers and infrastructure)
Programming Templates: October 2019 - November 2021 (developing/programming per radio)
Operational and Functional Testing: November 2021 - December 2021 (testing system and end-user radio functions and features)
Radio End-User Pilot Testing: December 2021 - January 2022 (proof of concept end-user testing)
Radio Deployment & Transition: January 2022 - October 2022 (distribution of agency radios)
Full System Acceptance: March 2023 (transition operations to PSERN Operator)
The Project was able to schedule Lead Trainer classes for fire and law enforcement agencies, as well as general government agencies in Wave 1 and Wave 2. These classes began this week and will be held through November 19th. Additionally, agency Lead Trainers who have not yet been scheduled should be receiving the next steps soon. These 8-hour, in-person classes provide a train-the-trainer opportunity for agency Lead Trainers to learn about the functionality of the new PSERN standard portable and mobile radios, including:
- An introduction to new PSERN radio basic operations.
- A mix of facilitation and hands-on activities to familiarize users with performing common tasks.
- Specific instruction on operations per attendee grouping (fire/EMS, law enforcement, general government, hospital, etc.).
- Training techniques for successfully training agency staff.
- Job aids and training materials to support training agency staff.
After their class, Lead Trainers will be responsible for training their internal agency staff prior to radios being deployed to their agency and they will be able to share class recordings and materials to support learning.
To transition to the new PSERN System, three types of testing need to be successful, Primary Bounded Area (metropolitan area) Coverage Testing, the Operational and Functional Test, and the Pilot Test. The Primary Bounded Area Coverage Testing has been completed and the results are currently being reviewed. As of last week, the Operational and Functional Test began to demonstrate that the Land Mobile Radio (LMR), microwave radio and MPLS, and DC Power systems have been properly configured, optimized, and will operate fully and without failure. This test lasts 30 calendar days and will run until November 24th. The Pilot Test will begin on December 6th and last 30 calendar days. Status on additional tests can be viewed on the Testing Overview.