Community members enjoy an outdoor movie in Skyway that was partly supported by a King County CSA grant. (Photo by Caroline Walker Evans, courtesy of the West Hill Community Association.)
King County has announced funding support for 45 volunteer-led community events and projects in unincorporated communities.
Grant recipients successfully competed for a total of $92,500 in grants. Their projects will receive between $500 and $4,750 each. Community organizations are required to match at least one quarter of the total project costs, and their funded projects must be accessible to all residents regardless of race, income, or language spoken.
2020 recipients include the following:
Snoqualmie Valley Community Network—support for a youth leadership summit
Skyway Solutions—support for a community festival
Federal Way Senior Center—funds to buy 100 chairs for use at the center
See a complete list of recipients and funded projects on the Community Service Area Grants website (click on the "Grants" tab), or learn more on the Local Services blog.
Stand up (or sit down) and be counted in 2020
The United States Constitution requires a census, or count, of the population once every 10 years. Census data helps determine the number of seats each state holds in Congress and how billions of dollars in funding are distributed to states and local communities every year for services and infrastructure, including health care, jobs, schools, roads, and bridges.
In mid-March, homes across the country will begin receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail.
King County is supporting the 2020 Census in a number of ways.
“From now through mid-2020, King County will be working with partners to raise awareness of the importance of the Census and to ensure a complete and accurate count of all our residents,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “We want to do this in collaboration and partnership with every jurisdiction, organization, community member, or stakeholder that shares this vision.”
To learn more, visit the King County 2020 Census website.
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La Constitución de los Estados Unidos ordena que se realice un censo de la población cada 10 años. Las estadísticas del censo se utilizan para determinar el número de escaños que cada estado ocupa en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos y para informar cómo los legisladores locales, estatales y federales asignarán miles de millones de dólares de fondos federales a las comunidades locales cada año durante los próximos 10 años.
A mediados de marzo, los hogares en todo el país comenzarán a recibir una invitación para participar en el Censo del 2020. En cuanto llegue la invitación, usted debe responder ya sea por internet, por teléfono o por correo.
Para más información en español sobre el Censo del 2020, visite el sitio web de la Oficina del Censo.
Animal Services
 A RASKC officer makes a new friend.
Last year, more than 4,100 dogs, cats, and other animals in the care of Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC) were adopted to new families or returned to their lost owners. The agency expects to achieve an organizational milestone for the year: reaching a live release rate of 95% for dogs and cats, which puts them in rare company for public, open-admission animal shelters in the United States.
The credit for this achievement goes to RASKC's dedicated team of 44 staff members and more than 800 volunteers, along with many community partners—all working to improve the lives of people and pets in King County.
Read RASKC's December blog post or visit their website for more information.
Local Services
The King County Conservation Corps is a pilot partnership between King County (Solid Waste Division and Department of Local Services) and the Millionair Club Charity. It provides clean-up services, including weeding and graffiti removal, to urban unincorporated areas.
Since its launch last fall, the Corps has done more than 84 work projects in White Center and Skyway. Five-person crews have picked up more than a thousand pieces of garbage, including needles and bio-hazards.
Learn more on the Local Services blog or see the project website.
Photo: Before and after views of a utility pole near SW Roxbury Street in White Center.
Local Services staffers are available at a location near you
Did you know that King County Local Services staff members provide weekly office hours in several locations around unincorporated King County? Learn more and find a schedule on our website, or contact Local Services at AskLocalServices@kingcounty.gov or 206-477-3800 (Relay 711).
Find/follow King County Local Services on social media
Blog - kingcountylocalblog.com Instagram & Facebook - @kingcountylocalservices Twitter (Road Services Division) - @kcroads
Road Services
Open house March 3 on intersection improvements
On March 3, King County Road Services will hold an open house on its proposal to improve the intersection at SE Kent Kangley Road and Landsburg Road SE/SE Ravensdale Way (see map).
King County will present design options for both a roundabout and traffic signal for this intersection, which is considered a high-collision intersection. King County staff members will be available to provide information.
King County Parks staff members will also be available to speak about park projects in the area.
When / where
Tuesday, March 3, 6-8 p.m. Tahoma High School Commons Area 23499 SE Tahoma Way, Maple Valley
Follow King County Road Services on Twitter at www.twitter.com/kcroads.
Help improve your county park at a volunteer event
Join King County Parks and help improve some of the awesome parks, trails and natural areas within the 28,000 acres of Your Big Backyard!
March 7 – Prairie Planting Event at Little Lake Forest (near Enumclaw)
March 7 & 8 – North Shorewood Park trail maintenance with Washington Trails Association (White Center)
March 14 – Lake Geneva Park (near Auburn/Federal Way)
See the calendar on our volunteer website for a full list of upcoming projects. To learn more about a specific project or sign up, email parksvolunteer@kingcounty.gov.
Photo: Volunteers pause for a photo while planting at Dick Thurnau Memorial Park on Jan. 20.
Solid Waste
Household hazardous waste disposal is easy with King County’s roving Wastemobile service
The Wastemobile – King County’s mobile household hazardous waste disposal service – will be in Kent/Covington March 6-8.
The Wastemobile will be at Puget Sound Fire Station No. 75, 15635 SE 272nd Street in Kent, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. It accepts a wide variety of materials, including automotive fluids, old cleaning products, batteries, and pesticides.
For a complete list of accepted materials, additional household hazardous waste disposal options, and related information, visit the Wastemobile website.
Emergency Management
Disaster-ready video series provides emergency preparedness tips
King County Emergency Management has produced a series of five short preparedness videos in collaboration with King County TV. (Watch the videos on YouTube)
These public service announcements promote disaster planning in a fun, yet practical way. For more information about the hazards that threaten our area, visit kingcounty.gov/hazards.
Free disaster skills workshops in March
Learning disaster skills is critical to your ability to prepare for—and respond appropriately during— a crisis. Attend our Basic Disaster Skills and Advanced Disaster Skills trainings to learn how to protect yourself and those you care about and minimize damage to your home and property.
When a disaster happens, many of the services we rely on could be interrupted and emergency responders could be quickly overwhelmed. Critical infrastructure, such as transportation, utility, and communication systems could be damaged, so we should be prepared to be self-sufficient for days or even weeks at a time.
The classes are free and open to all, but registration is required.
Basic Disaster Skills (register here) Addresses local hazards, utility control, water storage/purification, emergency sanitation, and creating emergency plans.
Thursday, March 5, 6:30-8 p.m. Black Diamond Library 24707 Roberts Drive, Black Diamond (limited parking available)
Monday, March 9, 6:30-8 p.m. Duvall Library 15508 Main Street NE, Duvall
Advanced Disaster Skills (register here) This continuation of our Basic Disaster Skills classes provides an overview of the types of bleeding and ways to control a bleeding wound, and the various types of fires that can occur and how you can mitigate these hazards. Previously taking the Basic Disaster Skills workshop is highly recommended but not required.
Thursday, March 19, 6:30-8 p.m. Pacific City Hall 100 3rd Avenue SE, Pacific
For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact Sophia Lopez by email or phone (206-205-6545). Requests should be made at least 14 calendar days before the workshop.
Learn more on King County's Disaster Skills Training website.
West King County news
County airport seeks two Opportunity Skyway High School students for internships (apply by March 26)
Are you ready for the internship of a lifetime, where you'll rub shoulders with aviation experts and the Blue Angels? Ready to be exposed to one of the busiest cargo airports in the country? Ready to break down barriers and help fight for Equity and Social Justice in your own community? Oh, and you’ll earn a fair wage all while learning skills that will propel your career!
Learn more about these and other internship opportunities on the King County International Airport website.
Pilot program to test e-scooters in North Highline this spring
Flowers aren’t the only thing that will be popping up soon in North Highline!
King County is launching a pilot program for up to two companies to provide shared e-scooters in and around White Center. Scooters will be rented via a smartphone app, though an alternative option will also be available.
The county has been busy the past few months developing rules to make sure there aren’t too many scooters in one place, and that scooters left where they shouldn’t be get moved quickly. Riders will have rules to follow, too: no riding on sidewalks or roads with speed limits over 25 mph, riders must be at least 18 (some companies may allow 16 and 17-year-olds with consent from a parent or guardian), and yes, helmets will be required.
Scooter companies will be expected to engage with the community before putting scooters on the road and throughout the pilot period. The county expects lots of community input while piloting this micro-mobility solution, which will help shape future pilots and determine whether we will see scooters or other mobility solutions on an ongoing basis.
To learn more, visit King County's e-scooter licensing page.
Vashon-Maury Island news
Voice of Vashon to chat with John Taylor about Vashon roads on March 12
King County Local Services Director John Taylor will talk about Road Services on Vashon Island on the Voice of Vashon's Chamber Chat radio program at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 12.
Find out how to listen on the Voice of Vashon website.
Rural Area news
State House bills — joint letter
Six unincorporated area councils/associations* in the rural area submitted a joint letter to the State House Environment and Energy Committee regarding proposed bills HB 2206 and HB 2536. By allowing urban services and promoting growth outside the Urban Growth Area, the proposed bills would directly conflict with the basic tenets of King County’s countywide planning policies and the King County Comprehensive Plan, which are intended to keep the Rural Area rural and protect the integrity of the Urban Growth Area. These are key foundations of the state’s Growth Management Act. The joint letter urged the committee to reject each of the proposed bills. Committee Chair Fitzgibbon later informed the councils/associations that both bills failed to proceed out of the committee and thus were dead for the 2020 session.
—Submitted by Peter Rimbos
*Enumclaw Plateau Community Association, Friends of Sammamish Valley, Green Valley/Lake Holm Association, Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council, Hollywood Hill Association, and Upper Bear Creek Unincorporated Area Council
:: Community Alliance to Reach Out and Engage
Monday, March 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Lord of Life Lutheran Church 12819 160th Avenue SE, Renton
See blog for the latest information and to confirm meetings.
:: Enumclaw Plateau Community Association
Tuesday,March 17, 6-8 p.m. Headsworks Brewing 1110 Marshall Avenue, Enumclaw
Newly formed community association. Monthly meetings are open to the public, and may feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from a variety of local organizations. For more information contact Nancy Merrill.
:: Fall City Community Association
Tuesday, March 3, 7-9 p.m. Fall City Fire Station 4301 334th Place SE, Fall City
The Fall City Community Association promotes building of community, proactively communicates on local issues, and takes action on selected issues that affect the Fall City community. Open to the public. For more information, visit fallcity.org or email Angela Donaldson.
:: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council
Tuesday, March 10, 7-9 p.m. Eastside Fire & Rescue Station 78 20720 SE May Valley Road, Issaquah
John Taylor will provide an update on King County Road Services. Visit the website for the latest information and to confirm meeting dates and locations.
:: Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council
Monday, March 2, 7-9:30 p.m. Maple Valley Fire Station Southeast corner of SE 231st Street and SR-169 intersection
John Taylor will provide an update on King County Road Services. Visit the website for the latest information and to confirm meetings.
:: Green Valley/Lake Holm Association Meeting
Wednesday, March 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fire District 44, Station 95 32316 148th Avenue SE, Auburn
Regular meeting agenda items include committee updates on transportation, environment, and safety. Questions, concerns, or comments are always welcome and can be submitted to gvlhassn@gmail.com. For association updates and information, follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
:: Skywest Tool Library
Thursday, March 26, 7-8 p.m. Skyway Water and Sewer office 6723 S 124th Street, Seattle
Join the SkyWest Tool Library Monthly Meeting to learn more about helping to start a new tool library in Skyway. The purpose of the library will be to share ideas, teach, learn, and borrow tools and more. Contact the library on Facebook.
:: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council
Thursday, March 5, 7-9 p.m. North Highline Fire District 1243 SW 112th Street, White Center (Parking and entrance are in the back of the station)
Monthly board meetings are open to the public and often feature guest speakers in addition to community reports and information from local organizations. For more information, email Liz Giba.
:: Upper Bear Creek Community Council
Monday, March 16, 5-6:30 p.m. Woodinville Library 17105 Avondale Road NE, Woodinville
John Taylor will provide an update on King County Road Services. Visit the website or Facebook page for the latest information and to confirm meetings.
:: Vashon Chamber of Commerce First Tuesday Networking
Tuesday, March 3, 8-9 a.m. Vashon Chamber of Commerce 17141 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon
This informal networking coffee is a great way to make connections that can build your business or just be plain fun. Contact: Jim Marsh at 206-463-6217 or discover@vashonchamber.com.
:: West Hill Community Association
Election day assistance booth Tuesday, March 10, 4-8 p.m. Skyway Library (next to the ballot dropbox)
Replace lost/damaged presidential primary ballots and envelopes, ask questions, get an “I Voted” sticker and high-five! learn more on Facebook.
Board meeting Wednesday, March 11, 7-9 p.m. Skyway Fire District 20 12424 76th Avenue S, Seattle
Monthly board meetings are open to the public and often feature guest speakers as well as community reports and information from local organizations. For more information, visit the website or send email.
Board Game Social Saturday, March 14, noon to 4 p.m. Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church 8016 S 116th Street, Seattle
Learn more on Facebook.
Public servants are often most successful when the public doesn’t notice what we do. Garbage gets collected, water comes out of the faucet, and when you flush the toilet…well, you get the idea.
We do tend to get noticed when things stop working, like they did during our recent storms. The lives of many unincorporated King County residents were significantly disrupted by more than 60 road closures and lane restrictions due to flooding and landslides.
Employees of King County Road Services, Natural Resources and Parks, Emergency Management, and other county agencies put in thousands of hours responding to the effects of this storm. Road Services crews closed roads that posed threats to the traveling public, and then worked tirelessly to reopen them as quickly as possible.
We haven’t totaled all the numbers yet, but by current estimates the cost of responding to this storm and repairing the damage it caused could be greater than $10 million. That's equivalent to about one-third of the amount Road Services typically spends in a year for road capital projects across the county.
The road network in unincorporated King County has been underfunded for more than a decade. Storms like the one we had in February are stark reminders that under-investing in an asset has consequences. Road Services does a great job of maintaining the system with limited resources. But as our roads and bridges age, time and weather are taking a toll, and the system is becoming less resilient.
Recognizing this, the King County Council is considering an increase to the King County Roads Levy that will generate about $120 million of additional revenue over the next six years. The county would invest this money in county bridges and roads in order to maintain this essential system for all of our residents. I encourage everyone to pay close attention to this issue as it makes its way through the legislative process and possibly to a ballot measure in August 2020.
If you’d like to track the consideration of this legislation, you can find committee agendas, briefing papers, and videos of committee meetings on the King County Council website.
Director’s Corner is a column from John Taylor, the director of King County Local Services.To contact John, email AskLocalServices@kingcounty.gov or call 206-477-3800 (Relay 711; language interpreters available).