Transit Alert – Transit service will be rerouted in the downtown Seattle and West Queen Anne are during the Pride Parade on 6/26

On Sunday, June 26, from approximately 7:00 AM until about 8:30 PM, transit service will be rerouted during the downtown Seattle and West Queen Anne areas due to the Seattle Pride Parade.


During this event, Metro routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2433, 40, 43, 47, 49 , 62 and 70, RapidRide C Line and Sound Transit routes ST 522, ST 545 and ST 554 will travel instead via alternate nearby streets, depending on the route, destination and direction of travel.


Use regularly published Sunday transit schedules to plan your trip, but expect delays and allow plenty of time due to expected traffic congestion.


Visit the Service Advisories page to find out if your bus will be rerouted and what stops it will serve during this event.


While most buses that operate in the affected areas will have minor reroutes, riding transit is still the best way to get to this event, as some streets will be blocked, traffic will be congested and parking limited.


For complete information about transit service or to plan your trip to this or any other event or location, visit Metro Online or Metro’s online Trip Planner.

Thank you for riding and for using Metro’s services.