As part of the City's ongoing Comprehensive Plan update, we want your thoughts on how transportation projects and policies should and could improve access, equity, and mobility in Kenmore. Visit the online open house and provide feedback through a brief survey by March 1 at
At the January 23 meeting, the City Council reviewed a proposal for funding the implementation of the Climate Action Plan and Kenmore's growing Housing and Human Services needs. During budget meetings last fall, the City Council discussed the urgent needs around climate change, housing, and human services, and directed staff to come back in January with a proposal to fund the initial phases of these efforts. The proposal includes increases in three revenue sources in particular: 1) vehicle license fees, 2) garbage utility tax, and 3) natural gas utility tax. At the January 23, 2023 meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to bring forward the proposed plan for action and approval at the February 13, 2023 City Council meeting.
You're invited to a free For the Love of Kenmore community workshop on February 9 created to harness what we love about Kenmore and foster love note opportunities throughout our city.
- Learn about Kenmore love notes and co-creator projects happening now
Offer your insights on why you love Kenmore and discuss new ideas
Vote in a fun and collaborative love note brainstorming activity
Explore how the City can support citizen engagement opportunities
This event is open to all ages and there will be kids activities, snacks, raffle prizes and more. No need to RSVP. We hope to see you there!
Work continues on the Juanita Drive Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Project, where recently, signs and fencing were installed along the corridor, and preparation work for the center medians was completed. The center medians and the remaining work (except for striping) is expected to be finished by the end of February. Final striping and painting will be completed later this spring during warmer weather.
Some final pieces of the 68th Avenue NE Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Project are coming into place, including the long awaited boardwalk railing which will be delivered by the end of the month and installed in February. The remaining sidewalk gaps, boardwalks, and fencing are scheduled to be finished by the end of February, with final project completion anticipated for the spring of 2023, when the irrigation can be tested and approved.
Thank you for your patience as we finalize these two major Walkways and Waterways projects, which provide new sidewalks, curb and gutter, bike lanes in both directions, upgraded streetlighting and bus stops, and stormwater drainage improvements.
A new tax credit for Washington workers starts in 2023! The Working Families Tax Credit will provide payments up to $1,200 to individuals and families who meet eligibility requirements. See if you’re eligible:
We are actively recruiting for food vendors for our 2023 Kenmore Farmers Market Season! Applications can be found online or at the front desk of City Hall. Apply today.
New update for the market: the Kenmore Farmers Market will offer Food Access Programs this year! This means that shoppers with EBT cards, WIC (Women, Infant and Children) & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits will be able to use their benefit dollars at the market. We are excited to offer access to these programs at the market this summer.
Last Monday, the local community group Thoughtful Citizens invited residents to participate in a day ON by hosting a litter pick up event along 175th street in Kenmore. A group of 20 people, from young children to senior citizens, collected 92 pounds of trash as an act of service honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Thank you to everyone who joined together to help keep our city vibrant! Thoughtful Citizens is hosting their next event, making valentine cards for seniors, on January 28 at the Hangar, and anyone can participate.
Community led events like this are a great example of a "love note". Learn more about Kenmore Love Notes and how the City can support love note opportunities here.
Sponsoring City of Kenmore special events gives your business the opportunity to help provide great community programming and promote your business to thousands of people. Check out our sponsorship options today.
We had a great year of events in 2022 – watch our “Year in Review” video to see all the fun and engagement, and learn about ways to partner for events in 2023!
Visit the City Calendar to see more events here.