City of Kenmore Earns Another Clean Audit

City of Kenmore Earns Another Clean Audit

The City of Kenmore is pleased to announce that for the 15th year in a row, the City has received a clean audit opinion from the Washington State Auditor’s Office.  The Annual Audit covered the City’s 2015 Financial Statements and Federal grant awards and no findings were issued. Audit procedures are performed to determine whether cities comply with applicable laws and regulations and their own policies and procedures. A finding is a deficiency, material weakness, or misstatement, discovered during an audit, which the auditor is required to report.

This year the City also received a clean audit for the Transportation Benefit District (TBD), which focused on accountability from April 16, 2012 (inception of the TBD) through December 31, 2015. The TBD collects funds to help pay for the City’s arterial overlay program, road maintenance and preservation efforts. The audit also found the TBD is compliant with applicable laws and requirements and provides adequate safeguarding of public resources.

The Washington State Auditor's Office independently serves the citizens of Washington by promoting accountability, fiscal integrity and openness in state and local government. Working with these governments and with citizens, the office strives to ensure the efficient and effective use of public resources.

Please click here to view the audit report, and here to view the TBD report. A link to the report is also available on the City’s website,