Apple Health Rule Making Notification

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Apple Health (Medicaid): Provider Alert

Preproposal - Notice of Intent (CR101)

182-500-0070; 182-502-0100; 182-503-0070, -0505, -0525; -182-504-0015, -0120; 182-505-0210, -0211; 182-506-0015; 182-514-0260; 182-523-0100, Suspending Medicaid during incarceration, (WSR 17-04-032)
Purpose:  The agency is amending these rules to comply with SSB 6430, which requires the agency to suspend, rather than terminate, medical assistance benefits for people who are incarcerated or committed to a state hospital.

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

182-531-0300, -0400, -0650, -1100, -1450, -1700, -1750, -1800, -1850, Physician-Related Services - Housekeeping, (WSR 17-04-039)
Purpose: The agency is amending these rules to correct agency names and WAC citations for programs formerly administered by the Department of Social and Health services that are now administered by the Health Care Authority.