Workforce Board: Seeking Worker Input on Job Quality & Results Will Be Shared with Employers
The Washington Workforce Board has launched a new Job Quality Survey to gather input from job seekers and workers across all industries. The survey focuses on what matters most to Washingtonians in their jobs -- pay, work-life balance, career growth, security and more.
This information will support a new statewide job quality strategy, designed to guide workforce development professionals, state agencies, policymakers, and employers in creating more quality jobs across the state.
By collecting data directly from workers, the Workforce Board aims to identify key areas for improvement, such as wages, benefits, and career advancement opportunities. Results will be shared with employers and other partners.
This collaborative effort aims to build a more resilient and inclusive labor market that benefits both workers and employers.
Department of Fish & Wildlife: Explore What's Beyond the Evergreen
Family Education Resources Wildlife in Washington face a wide range of threats, from disease and invasive species to declining habitat and climate change. You can help by being a good steward for wildlife, habitat, and the environment. Check out these themed activity ideas for you to use at home or school.
The School Co-operative Program (formerly Salmon/Trout in the Classroom) provides salmonid eggs to schools to be reared in a classroom aquarium in conjunction with science curriculum focused on the salmonid life-cycle. When fish reach the fry stage, schools release their fish in a local watershed.
Volunteer Opportunities
WDFW volunteers of all abilities who want to contribute to conservation of fish, wildlife, and habitat.
Diverse volunteer opportunities are available, including projects on state wildlife areas and water access areas, habitat restoration projects, and assisting at outreach events.