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HRMS Remediation Update
As the HRMS Remediation team communicated last year, we decided to remediate HRMS to use the Foundation Data Model (FDM) Worktags in time for the July 25, 2025, payroll as part of the OneWA Phase 1A implementation of Workday.
Based on that decision, we developed the HRMS remediation changes internally and worked with agencies to test these changes from March through May 2024, over five payroll cycles. Testers were able to test the payroll process with FDM coding and receive updated HRMS files that their agency systems use today, to assist with their own system remediation. Testers also identified six defects that our team fixed before entering OneWA’s Phase 1A end-to-end testing phase. Now our team is actively working with OneWA to test the connections between HRMS and Workday and planning for future testing phases.
HRMS Remediation Impacts to Agencies
Only the fields and files in HRMS that include financial data are changing. HRMS will use FDM account coding instead of AFRS account coding in these impacted fields and files.
A new retroactive transaction process will go into effect.
- After Workday Go-Live on July 1, 2025, for the first six payrolls, agencies can continue to manually change the date in HRMS and process a retroactive transaction prior to July 1, 2025.
- Starting with the October 25, 2025 payroll process, the HRMS team will establish a “hard retro wall” where agencies cannot process retroactive transactions in HRMS prior to July 1, 2025. Agencies will need to manually calculate gross pay and payroll deductions for transactions prior to July 1, 2025. Agencies will also be responsible for other manual updates to systems.
- We will provide training to your agencies and will work with OneWA to determine how errors will be resolved effectively after Go-Live. We will continue to share information with you as we learn more.
We will continue to work with your teams and rely on your feedback as we work collaboratively with OneWA on the Phase 1A implementation plan.
Please send your questions to OFMmiHRMSRemediation@ofm.wa.gov.
Thank you,
HRMS Remediation Team
Office of Financial Management