 February 2024
Apply to Host a Summer Intern to Help Your Business Implement Sustainability or Pollution Prevention Practices
Calling all businesses! The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program places summer interns at businesses to help implement pollution prevention (P2) and sustainability projects. This program helps businesses of all sizes begin or continue their P2 journey.
In past years, WASI interns have identified ways host businesses can:
- Reduce their solid waste by nearly 500,000 pounds per year.
- Reduce hazardous waste by 243,000 pounds per year.
- Save over $690,000 per year in manufacturing and disposal costs.
Business applications are due February 16, 2024, to host an intern for summer 2024. We will recruit and pay interns an $8,000 stipend for the ten-week internship.
Small Businesses Can Save Money and Help the Environment
Electronic products contain valuable materials that can be recycled and toxic chemicals that should be kept out of landfills. E-Cycle Washington is a free program that makes it easy for Washington’s small businesses to recycle certain broken or worn-out electronics and save money. Items accepted include:
- TVs
- Computers
- Laptops
- Monitors
- Tablets
To find a nearby collection site, you can call 1-800-RECYCLE or go to ecyclewa.org. If you have more than ten electronic items, contact the Materials Management and Financing Authority at 1-855-674-5871 before bringing them to a collection location.
Small businesses may also participate in the program by becoming a collection site and receive compensation for the electronics collected. If you have questions or are interested in becoming a collector, contact Christine Haun at christine.haun@ecy.wa.gov.
Has Your Business Opted-In for Email?
By opting in for email, all notifications sent by the Corporations and Charities Division will be sent to the email address on record for the registered agent and/or the principal office. This includes, but is not limited to, annual renewal notices and confirmation of filings.
You may opt-in for email during the next filing submitted to our office. If the business has not previously opted-in, this option will appear towards the bottom of the online form above the authorized person section. Check the box and submit the filing to no longer receive mailed out notifications.
Business Statistics
Ever wonder how many businesses are active in Washington State or how many filings are completed by the Corporations and Charities Division? Below are some of our statistics from the 2023 year-end.
Total active businesses: 709,540
- 627,626 are domestic businesses, meaning they are formed under Washington statute.
- 81,913 are foreign businesses, meaning they are either a Tribal entity or formed outside of Washington State and are registered to do business.
Total filings completed: 830,042
- Top three filings:
- 537,038 - Annual Reports: Required to maintain active status as a legal entity.
- 61,505 - Certificate of Formation with an Initial Report: This creates a new Limited Liability Company (LLC).
- 25,639 - Reinstatements: These reactivate an administratively dissolved business.
 What Businesses Can Be Certified?
To qualify for certification, the primary owner(s) must own at least 51% of the company and control the business. The owner must be both socially and economically disadvantaged. In general, this means that the owner must be a woman or a minority and have a personal net worth under $1.32 million. Finally, the business must be small, and not have gross receipts of more than $30.4 million. For more detailed information on certification eligibility click here.
Looking for Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Vendors for Statewide Contract
Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is seeking bids for an upcoming statewide contract for Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Solicitation 15722).
This solicitation has four categories:
- Maintenance for internal combination engines.
- Repair for internal combination engines.
- Body repair for internal combination engines.
- Maintenance and repair for electric vehicles.
Businesses can submit bids in WEBS for the Vehicle Maintenance and Repair solicitation 15722 until Feb. 29.
We are interested in helping Washington state's small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses be successful. Each year, state and local government agencies, tribal governments and nonprofits spend $2.1 billion on our statewide contracts for goods and services.
Let Us Help You Create a Return to Work Culture
A work injury may cost your business $10,000 or more. You can prepare for the unexpected and even get some money back in the process. We will educate you on how to identify potential light duty tasks, draft formal job offers, prepare for stay at work reimbursements, and provide an overview of L&I programs and services.
Join our webinar to learn how to develop a return to work plan for your business.
Prepare for the Unexpected: Develop a Return to Work Culture
- Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 9:00 AM
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 9:00 AM
- Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 9:00 AM
To register, go to the webinar sign up.
If you have questions, need accommodations, or to request a custom presentation for your organization, please email ERTW@lni.wa.gov
Our Early Return to Work Consultation (ERTWC) team provides expertise and assistance to employers and workers, even before an on the job injury, by helping remove barriers that prevent injured workers from maintaining employment.
New Unemployment Insurance Navigator Program Aims to Remove Barriers to Benefits in Local Communities
Nine community-based organizations in Washington will receive grant money from ESD’s new Unemployment Insurance (UI) Navigator program. Staff from these organizations, called UI Navigators, aim to help ESD lower or remove barriers to unemployment benefits in local communities. They will also work closely with ESD to ensure benefits are available and accessible to all qualified workers.
Organizations will provide outreach, education and support to underrepresented community members, who have been underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
New Employer Webinar - Need Help with Occupation Codes?
ESD is holding an unemployment insurance webinar aimed at new employers on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, from 1-2 PM.
The webinar includes:
- Tips on how to file quarterly unemployment reports.
- Information on employer tax rates.
- How to include Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes, or job titles in reports.
- Register Here
These newly collected codes are helping inform the state on what kind of work is being done in every corner of Washington, enabling the workforce system to better gauge where there are new and emerging skill gaps, along with worker supply and demand issues by region, among other items.
Small Business Requirements & Resources (SBRR)
The Small Business Requirements & Resources (SBRR) are free workshops providing you with essential information and resources to help start and grow your business.
Outreach events are sponsored by the Small Business Liaison Team and hosted by local partners.
Upcoming Live Webinars
- Start a Business in WA
- Tuesday, May 7, 2024 9:00 AM - Register Here
2024 conferencia de negocios - Se requiere inscripción Registro del taller
Organizado por Mi Centro y el Equipo de Enlace para Pequeñas Empresas (SBLT) Registro Conozca las regulaciones, servicios y programas estatales que pueden beneficiar a su empresa. Sábado 23 de marzo · 6-7 PM Ubicación 1208 South 10th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Small Business Guide
The Small Business Guide is broken into six sections, based on your stage of business. Whether you are starting your business, managing a new business, or expanding your business, you'll find valuable information and resources.
The business guide is readily accessible online, but it's also available in PDF, so you can have it as a printed reference manual. The PDF is available English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Samoan, Somali, Tagalog and two volumes in Braille Ready Format.
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting (BOIR)
Beginning January 1, 2024, business entities that meet certain criteria must file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report to the U.S. Department of Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Its purpose is to identify individuals with at least 25% ownership interest or control of the company.
SBA Provides Further Action to Help PPP & COVID EIDL Borrowers
For COVID EIDL and PPP borrowers with loans under $100,000, the SBA has implemented a 60-day goodwill exception period starting January 1 and lasting through March 3, 2024. During this period, the SBA will build on its extensive outreach to affected businesses to ensure that PPP borrowers know how to apply for forgiveness and COVID EIDL borrowers are aware of all repayment options — including the opportunity for hardship repayment plans. Further, the SBA will refrain from escalating collections activities until after the goodwill exemption period.
 Bringing Together Government Agencies, Contractors & Small Businesses
Alliance NW is the largest training event and tradeshow for businesses to connect with government in the Pacific Northwest. This event features an exhibit hall, workshops and one-on-one meetings between government, prime contractors, and businesses. Hosted by Thurston Economic Development Council, home of APEX Accelerator, Alliance Northwest has a strong history of federal agency support. It is widely known as the place where business and government learn and make connections with small and disadvantaged businesses.
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