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What is happening?
2022 tax adjustments can no longer be processed in HRMS. Agencies will need to manually update master data for employees who continue repayments in 2023 for overpayments that occurred in 2022 or earlier.
What does this mean to you?
Employees who have any Wage Type (WT) 3223-Repay Plan Deduction payments on Infotype (IT) 0014-Recurring Payments/Deductions and WT3224-Repay Balance on IT0015-Additional Payments will need their master data adjusted to net payment deductions.
Use the Overpayment – Transition Overpayment from Previous Year procedure to adjust active repayment plans that started in 2022 or earlier and continue into 2023 (gross overpayments that employees are paying back to agencies).
You can find more information for collecting overpayments from a prior year on the OFM Website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/resources/payroll/garnish_and_overpymts.asp