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2022 Year End
Tax-Related Changes and W-2 mailing costs from Consolidated Mail Services effective January 1, 2023.
Please note the following information relating to process changes for taxes:
2023 tax changes from Social Security and WA State’s Employment Security
- The Social Security wage base limit increases from $147,000 to $160,200 in 2023.
- The employee and employer tax rates remain at 6.2% each (12.4% total).
Note: For employees that are at or near the max that transfer in to your agency from another HRMS agency, follow HRMS procedure to ensure that Social Security will not be deducted when the employee maxes out for the year (the State of Washington is one employer for Social Security purposes).
- The employee and employer Medicare Tax Rates remains at 1.45% each (2.90% total). There is no maximum wage base for Medicare taxes.
Note: Employers must withhold an additional 0.9% from wages paid to an employee that exceed $200,000 during the year (regardless of the employee’s filing status). This makes the effective employee Medicare tax rate 2.35% on wages over $200,000.
- The state unemployment taxable wage base maximum is $67,600.
- The Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave premium rate will increase from 0.6% to 0.8% effective 1/1/2023.
- The Washington Long Term Support Services premium rate will become effective 7/1/2023 and is currently 0.58% of wages.
Distribution of state agency 2022 Form W-2 and the 1099R Wage and Tax Statements
- DES Consolidated Mail Services (CMS) will mail statements directly to employees by January 31, 2023.
- The 2023 cost for processing W-2’s and 1099R’s will be $.63 per piece, which includes inserting, envelope, postage, and delivery to the USPS. The charges will be reflected on an invoice from CMS addressed to your agency’s billing contact. Questions can be directed to CMS.
- CMS contact information: Jim Bradley (james.bradley@des.wa.gov) at (360) 664-9507; or Peter Henderson (peter.henderson@des.wa.gov) at (360) 664-9618.
- Manual adjustments for other state taxes can be created in PU19. Procedure is available on the Year End web page. Note: This process eliminates the need for agencies to pull W-2s to add other state income taxes.
- Use the Health Care Activity report to assist in reconciling health care costs between Pay1 and HRMS.
- Validate employees’ address is correct and effective (not end dated).
- Review the 2022 Year End Schedule.