2021 Higher Education Change Order for Statewide HR Database
The Office of Financial Management is responsible for providing credible and accurate enterprise workforce data to support the work of the state. Improved data quality supports collective bargaining, budget processes and reporting.
The draft 2021 HE Change Order requirements were discussed in a meeting with institutions on February 23, 2021. In response to feedback received and follow up conversations, the change order was revised. Linked is the change order summary document detailing the required changes:
The HE Data Transmittal Specification document will be updated with the changes and the revised document will be provided to higher education institutions.
Below is the high level 2021 change order implementation schedule.
- May: Higher Education Institutions testing.
- By April 15, 2021, OFM will send out detailed instructions on how to process the test files.
- June: Changes go live on June 30, 2021.
Institutions are strongly encouraged to contact OFM if there are questions about the changes or timeframe. OFM contacts for questions on the change order implementation are: