February 2024 | Issue 46
WA Cares Fund: Watch a webinar replay
Watch the recording of our January “WA Cares Basics: What Workers Need to Know” webinar. We covered:
- What long-term care includes.
- How caregiving responsibilities impact families and the workplace.
- Who contributes to the fund.
- How exemptions work.
- Contribution requirements, and more.
Find recordings of past webinars and learn more about upcoming webinars on the Webinar series page of the WA Cares website.
Paid Leave and WA Cares Fund: Download our updated Employer Toolkits
New for 2024! The employer toolkits — that’s right, there are two — are updated and available for download from the “Documents and Forms” section of the Help Center.
About the toolkits
- The “Employer’s Paid Leave Benefits Toolkit” — helps anyone with employees in Washington learn about Paid Leave benefits.
- The “Employer Wage Reporting and Premiums Toolkit” — more information about employer responsibilities for Paid Leave and WA Cares Fund.
Find the toolkits and additional employer resources at paidleave.wa.gov/help-center/employers.
Paid Leave: Note changes to benefit notifications
To better protect employee data, we updated our mailed notifications to employers. They will no longer include the last four digits of an employee’s Social Security number.
We also updated our employer portal to include more information about your employees' use of Paid Leave benefits. Learn more about the information you will and won’t have access to when your employee is on leave.
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