September 2023 | Issue 40
How to prepare for Q3 reporting changes
Reporting requirements taking effect Oct. 1
Report for WA Cares
- When submitting your Q3 wage report this October, you will now report Paid Leave and WA Cares premiums from employees at the same time on the same report. There will be two separate payments — one for each program — because each program has a separate trust fund.
No Payroll Report
- If you do not have payroll to report, you will now need to report “no payroll” through your employer account.
New (v8) CSV file specifications: Date of birth, WA Cares exemption status
- The new file format now includes fields for employee date of birth and WA Cares exemption status.
- The new file specifications and template are available at We recommend you use the “test your file” button on that page to test your file format prior to the reporting due date.
WA Cares exemptions
Important details to keep in mind
Once ESD processes an application, we send a confirmation email to the customer. Approved exemptions from workers who submitted their applications on or before June 30, 2023, will have an effective exemption date of July 1, 2023. Workers who submitted their application between July 1, 2023, and Sept. 30, 2023, will have an effective exemption date of Oct. 1, 2023, regardless of when their application is approved.
What this means for you
- In some cases, you may be deducting premiums from workers' wages before they can give you a copy of their exemption approval letter.
When to return WA Cares deductions
When your employees give you their exemption approval letter, we encourage you to return their deductions at your earliest convenience. ESD will not assess premiums for these workers for any part of a quarter from which they are exempt.
For more information on employee exemptions, visit
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