Announcing the launch of the 2020 Governor’s Employer Awards Program

Hand on a Braille display - Governor's Committee on Disability Issues & Employment


Announcing the launch of the 2020 Governor’s Employer Awards Program

Washington State Seal

Washington State Seal: A green colored profile photo of George Washington sits inside a circle with the words "The Seal of the State of Washington, 1889" around it




Employment Security Department | P.O. Box 9046 | MS: 6000 | Olympia, Washington | 98507-9046

Olympia (360) 890-3778  | Fax (844) 935-3531 | Spokane (509) 482-3854


June 4, 2020

Dear Colleague,

The Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment (GCDE) is celebrating its 28th year of hosting the Governor’s Employer Awards Program. Governors in Washington State have a long history of recognizing best practices positively shaping employment opportunities for workers with disabilities.

The Awards Program shines a spotlight on businesses and agencies recognizing their efforts to recruit, hire, retain and advance the employment of those with disabilities. During these challenging times, many employers have championed to maintain meaningful and integrated employment opportunities. Recognizing these businesses and organizations with a nomination, will further incentivize continued improvement of an integrated workforce.

We need your assistance to make this year’s awards program another outstanding success. Our request is for you to submit a nomination. Utilize your personal experiences and collaborate with human resources, managers and line staff to develop a comprehensive nomination to promote their deserving recognition. Encourage your nominee to tell their story, highlighting their strategies to recruit, hire, retain and advance workers with disabilities. Sharing their stories and providing the up-close and personal touch makes for a stronger nomination.

GCDE is soliciting nominations in five (5) award categories;

1.   Public, Private and Non-Profit Employers - small, medium and large categories and governmental entities (Federal, State, County, City or municipality); those who generate revenues from the services and products they provide or are registered with the state and maintain 501(c)(3) certification;

2.   Youth Employer - employers supporting youth with disabilities through employment preparation and job skills training;

3.   Governor’s Trophy in Memory of Carolyn Blair Brown - a lifetime achievement award presented to an individual with a disability in Washington State;

4. Direct Support Professional Award - an outstanding career professional, with three (3) years of experience providing long-term supported employment services to individuals with intellectual, developmental and/or psychological disabilities as a Job Developer or Job Coach; and

5. Toby Olson Lifetime Impact Award - this is the inaugural year we are accepting nominations for this prestigious award. This award recognizes an individual who has made a lifetime commitment to addressing the inequities people with disabilities face in their community and at the state and national levels and can demonstrate specific, direct actions dramatically changing the lives of those in the disability community. More information is included in this nomination packet.

August 31st, 2020 is the deadline for this year’s Awards Program

Note: At this time, GCDE is still making plans for their awards ceremony in the fall of 2020. However, we will follow Governor Inslee’s guidance of large group gatherings to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  We are considering a variety of options including a virtual awards presentation.

Partner with us in this exciting celebration of excellence. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Emily Heike at (360) 890-3776 or email at


Janet Bruckshen,

GCDE’s Awards Subcommittee Chairperson

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