Developmental Disabilities Administration
May 3, 2024
Share your Thoughts on Continuing Education Courses for Long-Term Care Workers
DSHS is happy to offer two webinars and one workgroup session for reviewing existing continuing education courses offered to long-term care workers and providing input and recommendations for topics relevant to individual providers caring for a family member to be incorporated into the development of new continuing education courses.
The two webinars listed are the same, you only need to attend one:
The workgroup webinar is to review the information from the first two webinars and create a list of continuing education courses to be developed.
This workgroup is scheduled:
We need participants who are:
- Community partners with an interest in continuing education training requirements for individual providers.
- Individual providers who are caregivers to a family member with an intellectual or developmental disability.
- Individual providers who are adult children and are caregivers to a parent.
- The contracted training entity providing continuing education to long-term care workers.
- Consumers receiving care from an individual provider who is a family member.
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Include a description of the accommodation you will need, including as much detail as you can. Also include a way we can contact you if we need more information. Please allow at least two weeks (14 days) advance notice. Last-minute requests will be accepted but may be impossible to fill.
Send an email to Sarah Granillo-Ramirez @ sarah,granilloramirez@dshs.wa.gov or call 360-725-2548. These webinars will be recorded for future use.
This workgroup is being convened as directed in Senate Bill 5811, Section 5.