DDA Community Residential Services Training

Residential Service Providers Training & Information

May 6, 2020

Keeping current with training requirements

This communication is for Community Residential Providers impacted by training requirements outlined in  RCW 74.39A:

  • Supported Living
  • Group Homes
  • Group Training Homes
  • Children’s Licensed Staff Residential
  • Alternative Living
  • Companion Homes
  • State Operated Living Alternative (SOLA)

Rules for the training requirements are contained in Chapter 388-829 WAC and additional standards for the adult residential programs are located in Chapter 388-101D WAC.

Upcoming training opportunities

Training courses to support trainers using virtual platforms:

DDA is moving as much training to virtual platforms as possible. The newest trainings follow:

Virtual Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Continuing Education (CE) Series

  • Register via eventbright for each class (Zoom links will only be sent to those registered)Trainer: Krista Nieman
  • Beyond Mandated Reporting TTT - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 11, 2020
  • Generations in the Workplace TTT -9 a.m. to 12 p.m., May 12, 2020
  • Unconscious Bias TTT - 1 to 4 p.m., May 12, 2020
  • Beyond First Aid: Recognizing and Responding to Medical Emergencies TTT - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 13, 2020
  • Buzz on Adult Learners/Peer Coaching TTT (Day 1) - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 14, 2020
  • Peer Coaching TTT (Day 2) - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 15, 2020
  • Register for each course individually. Trainers receive CE credit for each course. Certificates will be awarded upon completion of each course.

Orientation to How to Train CE Series Curriculum Virtually

This orientation is for those who completed the in-person Train-the-Trainer course in the following CE courses:

  • Beyond Mandated Reporting
  • Generations in the Workplace
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Beyond First Aid: Recognizing and Responding to Medical Emergencies
  • Buzz on Adult Learners Peer Coaching (2-Day course)
  • Receive guidance and strategies on how to adapt this curriculum for a virtual audience.

10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Lunch) 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., May 21, 2020

  • Use Computer audio OR Dial by your location (253) 215-8782 US (Tacoma)
  • Trainer: Sarah Blanchette
  • 6 CE credit hours (upon completion)
  • No registration necessary, click on the Zoom link at 10 a.m.

Orientation: How to Train 40-hour CORE Curriculum virtually (Note - Chapter 12 tips included)

Orientation is only for pre-approved 40-hour CORE trainers who attended a 40 hour CORE Train-the-Trainer in-person course. This is a high-level overview of the curriculum and guidance on how to train the curriculum virtually.

10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Lunch) 1 to 3 p.m., May 28, 2020

  • Join Zoom Meeting   https://zoom.us/j/421527963   Meeting ID: 421 527 963
  • Use computer audio OR dial (253) 215-8782 US (Tacoma)
  • Trainer: Sarah Blanchette
  • 6 CE credit hours (upon completion)
  • No registration necessary, click on the Zoom link at 10 a.m.

How to Facilitate Virtual Presentations and Trainings

Learn best practices on creating, facilitating and troubleshooting technical difficulties during virtual presentations. Come explore the Zoom platform and receive a bonus afternoon session to orient attendees to different virtual platforms such as GOTO Webinar, Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts. This training is open to everyone.

9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Lunch) Optional Virtual Platform Orientation 1 to  2 p.m., June 4, 2020

  • Trainer: Sarah Blanchette
  • 6 CE credit hours (upon completion)
  • No registration necessary, click on the Zoom link at 10 a.m.

Technical monthly support webinars

Webinar schedule Now - November 2020

Webinars offer:

  • Answers to frequently asked questions (including resources during COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Clarification for training requirements
  • Opportunities for live interaction with peers

Upcoming training opportunities:

Register -    May 12, 2020,                   10 a.m. to noon

Register -    June 9, 2020,                    10 a.m. to noon

Register -    July 7, 2020,                    10 a.m. to noon

Register -    August 11, 2020,             10 a.m. to noon

Register -    September 8, 2020,         10 a.m. to noon

Register -    October 7, 2020,              10 a.m. to noon

Register -    November 10, 2020         10 a.m. to noon

Self-Care for Virtual Trainers

Overnight Washington state has moved much of its workforce to virtual workplaces. Training rooms were adapted and trainers are adapting to a new ways of delivering training to frontline staff working during the pandemic.

Self-care has never been more important or harder to achieve. Following are tips from several notable sources including the Harvard Business Review, New York Times and The American Psychological Association:

Set boundaries: it is easy for the lines between work and home to blur. People are simultaneously working, distance-learning with their children, caring for aging parents and more. It is important to set a schedule for yourself.

The schedule can be flexible, but track daily hours. If you work more than 8 hours, look ahead to see where you can take breaks. Block out time on your calendar when you are not available You need this time to take breaks or organize your work.

Allow time for connection: as trainers it can be tempting to “get down to business.” But just like in-person training classes, we allow individuals to come early and socialize. Consider allowing this in your virtual room, as you feel more comfortable navigating the platform.

Log in early and allow participants too. Greet them, ask about their day, share news about yourself. This human connection is vital for your self-care as a trainer and for adult learning. You will increase engagement in your training and create trust that reduces group anxiety if technical difficulties arise during training.

Less is more: consider breaking up your trainings. If you have a full day training, consider breaking it into two days or a set of two hour modules. Work with less content to allow time for discussion, engagement and breaks in  trainings. Adults need more time to absorb virtual content than in-person content. This is because they are working harder to interact with the learning and they do not have the benefit of non-verbal connection.

For other training opportunities and CE courses, please visit the DDA provider training opportunities page.

To announce training opportunities within your agency, contact Linda GilInclude the following information:

  • Title of training
  • Dates/times, location (with address)
  • Speaker/presenter
  • Contact information for training registration
  • Is this approved for CE?
  • Who can attend?

For all other training questions contact Sarah Blanchette, Residential Provider Training Manager.