Rate Increase for Overnight Planned Respite Services for Adults

Developmental Disabilities Administration Update

June 20, 2019

Dear Overnight Planned Respite providers,

The 2019-21 biennial budget passed by the Legislature authorizes a rate increase for Overnight Planned Respite Service providers effective July 1, 2019. Based upon the type of setting in which services are provided, the new reimbursement rate is outlined in the table below.

Setting type

Rate thru 6/30/19

FY 7/1/2019-21




Single bed/shared staff



Single bed/no shared staff



The reimbursement for services provided are outlined in the Considerations section of your 1794XS-12 contract. A new contract is being executed with a July 1, 2019 start date to allow for reimbursement as outlined above.

Thank you for the continued support you provide for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. We recognize the significance of the work you do each day. We are hopeful that this rate increase will support your agency to offer quality services and supports to clients. Please do not hesitate to contact Kacie Smarjesse, Overnight Planned Respite Service Coordinator, if you have questions.

Contact us for questions or feedback.