DDA Rulemaking Notices

Rulemaking notices filed in the Washington State Register 

The following rulemaking notices have been filed with the Office of the Code Reviser and will appear in the Washington State Register.  

Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101)

WSR 18-19-107 on WAC 388-845-1615

DDA is planning to amend WAC 388-845-1615 to align with respite provider requirements approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  

Proposed Rulemaking (CR-102)

WSR 18-19-028 on new sections in Chapter 388-101D WAC

This rulemaking proposal adds new sections to chapter 388-101D WAC to establish requirements for DDA-contracted group training homes. These proposed rules rules allow a certified and licensed group home to transition to a certified group training home model.

Hearing date: October 23, 2018

Emergency Rulemaking Order (CR-103E)

WSR 18-20-055 on WAC 388-845-1615

DDA enacted on an emergency rule basis a requirement that homecare agencies be contracted with the Area Agencies on Aging. This requirement aligns with respite provider requirements approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  

Effective date: September 26, 2018

    Visit our website to find more DDA Rules and Laws or visit the legislative website to access all DSHS rules.

    Contact Chantelle Diaz, DDA WAC and Policy Program Manager for questions or feedback.