Proposed legislation related to background checks (corrected link)

Developmental Disabilities Administration Update

August 27, 2018

Dear Interested Stakeholder,

DSHS’  Developmental Disabilities and Aging and Long-Term Support administrations are drafting language for proposed agency-request legislation. We need your feedback. 

The proposal would expand the list of provider types that can share access to criminal background-check information. This includes: community residential service businesses, enhanced services facilities, home care agencies, and the consumer directed employer for individual providers.

Increasing the scope of providers with access to shared background checks:

  • Helps  reduce potential gaps in service;
  • Improves overall background-check wait times and backlog;
  • Reduces provider workload and background-check turnaround time; and
  • Is a fiscally-responsible change in practice.

Please review the draft legislation and provide any feedback by close of business September 10, to Luisa Parada Estrada.

Thank you.

Contact us for questions or feedback.