WSDOT's Gray Notebook for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 now online

WSDOT’s quarterly performance report, the Gray Notebook for the quarter ending June 30, 2024, is now available in its interactive format. While numerous performance measures are reported throughout the GNB, highlights from this analysis include:

  • Combined pedestrian and bicyclist traffic fatalities increased by 17.8% from 146 deaths in 2022 to 172 in 2023 (Active Transportation Safety)
  • WSDOT completed 32 fish passage projects within the Federal Court Injunction area in 2023, improving access to 67.39 miles of potential upstream fish habitat (Fish Passage)
  • Total Washington state imports and exports were valued at $127.3 billion in 2023, down 5.7% from $134.9 billion in 2022 (Freight)
  • In the second quarter of 2024, WSDOT’s Incident Response teams provided an estimated $30.5 million in economic benefit by reducing the effects of incidents on drivers (Incident Response)
  • Washington State Ferries completed 35,848 (98.6%) of its 36,340 regularly scheduled trips in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 (Washington State Ferries)
  • The number of people following WSDOT's Facebook increased 13.5% from 197,292 in FY2023 to 223,885 in FY2024 (Travel Information)
  • Two Connecting Washington projects and two Transportation Partnership Account contracts were operationally complete by WSDOT during the fourth quarter of the 2023-2025 biennium (Completed Projects & Contracts)
  • WSDOT advertised 36 Pre-existing Funds projects in the fourth quarter of the 2023-2025 biennium (Pre-Existing Funds)

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