Regional Mobility Grant pre-application open

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Hello TDM Partners,

The WSDOT TDM team would like to share that WSDOT is accepting pre-applications for the 2025-2027 Regional Mobility Grant Program. Regional Mobility grants provide funds for local efforts to improve connectivity between counties and regional population centers and reduce transportation delay.

Eligible applicants are cities, counties, ports, public transit agencies, regional transit authorities, regional transportation planning organizations, and metropolitan planning organizations in Washington state.

Eligible project types are vehicle and equipment purchases, capital construction, operations, and transportation demand management.

Applicants are required to submit a pre-application to apply for a grant.

The Regional Mobility Grant pre-application is available in the Grants Management System. Pre-applications are due by 3 p.m., March 5, 2024.

For additional information about the Regional Mobility Grant pre-application, review the pre-application instructions and website.

Please contact the Public Transportation Division Grants Team at with any questions about this opportunity.

Maya + WSDOT TDM team

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