CTR legislative report

Hello Washington Transportation Demand Management (TDM) community,

WSDOT is developing the 2023 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) report to the legislature. Report topics will include 2021-2023 program performance and key program updates, e.g., new survey questions and survey tool, updated budget formula, new state, regional, county and city plans, and much more.

The report is also an opportunity to highlight the impressive work you’re doing to support CTR goals and outcomes in your communities. WSDOT is seeking local CTR spice to include in the report. If you’d like elements of your program considered for the report, please submit them to ricardo.gotla@wsdot.wa.gov:

  • Photos of commuters using CTR services and programs.
  • Commuter and/or employer stories.
  • Marketing materials.
  • Boots-on-the-ground insight into the value of the CTR program.

These are illustrative examples. If there are other elements of your program that deserve sharing and highlighting, please share them with me.

Thank you!

If you have any questions, contact me at ricardo.gotla@wsdot.wa.gov.


Ricardo + WSDOT TDM team

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