CTR implementers,
Last week, WSDOT posted draft guidance for cities and counties that are updating their CTR plans for 2025-2029. CTR-affected cities and counties will do this planning work during the next 23 months.
This guidance is meant to support CTR implementers in their efforts to update their city and county CTR plans for 2025-2029. See draft guidance here.
CTR implementers, as you review this guidance, we encourage you to consider the planning time needed, as you develop your 2-year CTR Administrative Workplans.
You are also invited to attend the upcoming Implementers Q&A Open Houses, starting Tuesday, August 8. Find the meeting links on the TDM Board website meeting calendar.
Please submit your questions and comments, ahead of our Q&A sessions, to Ricardo.Gotla@wsdot.gov and Sylvia.Crum@wsdot.wa.gov. We will do our best to address these questions at the Implementers Q&A sessions.
Sylvia + WSDOT TDM team
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