We are so grateful for your partnership in vaccinating Washington's children and hope you and yours have a happy new year. We are looking forward to another great year continuing efforts to increase childhood vaccination rates and improve the health of children in our state. Thank you for all you do!
The CVP Training Series on Thursday, January 9th at noon will cover the Childhood Vaccine Program's new annual Vaccine Coordinator Training that replaces the CDC's You Call the Shots trainings. We will cover this new training requirement for provider agreement renewals and how to access the trainings in TRAIN.org. Registration for the webinar is already near capacity but the training will be recorded. If you are unable to register for the webinar, a recording will be posted on the CVP Training web page within a week of the training.
This nine module, Washington State specific training program will cover all the important information needed to participate in Washington's Childhood Vaccine Program. Three continuing education credits will be available for nurses, medical assistants, and pharmacists/pharmacy techs beginning 1/7/2025.
Now is a good time to ensure your clinic is prepared for the upcoming Childhood Vaccine Program provider agreement renewal period which occurs between March and April this year. To help your agreement renewal go smoothly please ensure:
- All thermometer calibrations are up to date.
- Gather your practice profile data for the calendar year 1/1/24-12/31/24.
- Your primary and backup vaccine coordinators have completed the new annual training requirements in 2025. Primary and back-up vaccine coordinators must complete this annual training requirement within the current calendar year, prior to their provider agreement renewal deadline. It is also best practice to have all staff who handle and administer vaccines complete the training as well.
Did you know that your facility's Vaccine Management Plan must be reviewed and updated annually? It's true! All components of the Vaccine Management Plan must be reviewed and updated annually, as well as upon new employee hire, when key staff change, and whenever there are updates to best practices. The review must be dated and signed on the Annual Review Documentation page by the coordinator responsible for its content. Completed plan should be kept near the vaccine storage units in a readily available location and all staff should have awareness of the plan in the event of an emergency.