Thank you for all you do to immunize Washington's children. Your enrollment in the Childhood Vaccine Program plays a critical role in the health of Washington and we appreciate all you do to keep Washington kids healthy! We hope you have a happy holiday season.
Reminder: DOH offices will be closed December 25th and January 1st.
Join us on January 9th at noon for a training focused on the new Vaccine Coordinator Training that will replace the CDC's You Call the Shots (YCTS) in 2025. This training is comparable to the YCTS training content with the addition of Washington State Vaccine Program specifics. It will cover all the important information needed to participate in Washington’s Childhood and Adult Vaccine Programs.
Primary and back-up vaccine coordinators must complete this annual training requirement within the current calendar year, prior to their provider agreement renewal deadline. It is also best practice to have all staff who handle and administer vaccines complete the training as well.
We are working on getting continuing education credits for nurses, medical assistants, and pharmacists/pharmacy techs. Stay tuned for more details.
Register for the Training!
Changes to order sets have been delayed due to a new requirement for an e-mail address under the facility information in the IIS. This field is now required, and we cannot make changes without this information. An e-mail has been sent to providers impacted, requesting this information. We apologize for the severe delay this has caused in updating order sets and appreciate your cooperation and patience while we address the new requirement.
When documenting publicly-supplied childhood vaccines, Federal law requires providers to document the following information in an electronic health record (EHR), the IIS, or in paper charts:
- Vaccine type (e.g. Tdap)
- Date the vaccine was administered
- Vaccine manufacturer
- Vaccine Lot number
- Name and credentials of the person who administered the vaccine
- Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) publication date
- Date the VIS was given
- Address where the vaccine was administered (Typically this is programmed into EHRs and is associated with each facility that’s set up in the IIS).
Additionally, providers are also required to document the patient’s eligibility status for every publicly-supplied vaccine administered.
If your site is dually enrolled in the Adult and Childhood Vaccine Programs (AVP & CVP), you may receive shipments containing both AVP & CVP vaccine orders. You can use the funding sources listed on the packing slip to identify which vaccines were ordered through each program:
- AVP vaccines will be listed under 317 Doses (highlighted yellow in the packing slip image below)
- CVP vaccines will be listed under the VFC, State, and/or CHIP Doses (highlighted blue in the image below)
 It is important to correctly identify AVP and CVP supplied vaccines, so each stock is properly labelled and separated in your storage units and to ensure vaccines are only administered to patients eligible for each program. If you’re unsure or have any issues determining which vaccines were ordered through AVP or CVP, please email WAChildhoodVaccines@doh.wa.gov or WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov.
McKesson has inadvertently shipped AstraZeneca FluMist (NDC: 66019-0311-10) with a shorter expiration date (Lot #: WF2583; Expiry: 12/16/2024) to several providers. To prevent vaccine loss, there are two options available for replacing these vaccines:
Option 1 - FluMist Mckesson's Return/Replacement
If the entire order of FluMist received has not been used, McKesson will replace the short-dated doses with slightly longer-dated ones (January 2025).
If you would like to proceed with this option, please contact us at WAChildhoodVaccines@DOH.WA.GOV to request a replacement. Be sure to include your PIN and the ORDER number. Additionally, please label the doses with "DO NOT USE." We will reconcile the doses in the Immunization Information System (IIS) and inactivate the LOT.
After McKesson processes the return, we will provide you with a FedEx pick-up date. You do not need to maintain the cold chain; just ensure the vaccines are packed securely to prevent any damage during transit.
Once the replacement has been delivered, please manually receive the vaccine in WAIIS.
Option 2 - FluMist Replacement Program for CDC 2024‐2025
If the doses have been partially used, providers can use the 2024-25 FluMist Replacement Program to replace them with doses that are longer dated (March 2025).
The provider must contact the AstraZeneca Replacement Program by phone or by email, as detailed in the included instructions. A PDF version is available here.
Eligibility Guidelines: Request must be made between Monday, December 2, 2024, and Friday, January 31, 2025, by 7:00 pm CST (5:00 pm PST)
- Doses must have been purchased on the CDC contract. Private doses are not eligible for the FluMist® Trivalent Replacement Program for CDC.
- Product expiration date must be on or before February 2, 2025.
- AstraZeneca will replace expired doses of FluMist® while supplies last.
Important Notes:
- Follow all instructions provided by McKesson Specialty Health (MSH).
- Pack the expired/expiring doses as instructed. Expired doses of FluMist do not have to be returned cold.
- McKesson will email a FEDEX label to you to ship back the expired doses.
- Doses can only be replaced in increments of 10. The minimum number of doses that can be replaced is 10 doses. Multiple eligible lot #'s can be used to achieve multiple of 10.
- MSH validates the vaccine received against request.
- If the doses received match the request, doses would ship within 72 business hours.
- If the doses received exceed the request, only the doses requested will be shipped.
- If doses received are less than requested, only those received (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10) will be replaced.
- Requests for expiring doses cannot be made more than 14 days before the sprayer's expiration date.
- All doses requested for replacement must be received by Saturday, February 15, 2025. Once qualifying doses are received, replacement products will be shipped.
- Any doses received after February 15 will not be replaced.
- Receive the replacement order manually in WAIIS.
Example: Provider requests 20 doses to be replaced
- McKesson receives 20 doses, 20 doses will ship for replacement.
- McKesson receives 30 doses, 20 doses will ship for replacement.
- McKesson receives 18 doses, 10 doses will ship for replacement.
For questions about this program, please contact the FluMist® Replacement Program for CDC at 1-877-633-7375 or flumistreplacement@mckesson.com.
IIS reconciliation: To reconcile the lot numbers being replaced through the FluMist Replacements Program in the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS), follow these steps:
- Choose the Category "Correction" and the Reason "Correction of invalid entry"
- Once the Lot # gets down to zero in your reconciliation page, please inactivate the LOT.
If you do not have the option to use this Category/Reason, please contact your clinic's IIS system administrator or waiishelpdesk@doh.wa.gov. Please note that this category and reason should only be used in exceptional circumstances, such as this one.