Growers Must Submit Applications by End of Year to Continue Year-Round WIC Benefit Acceptance- New Agreements Coming Soon
Thanks to the addition of WIC Monthly Fruit and Vegetable Benefits (CVB) for FMNP growers, approved growers can accept those benefits year-round. However, every current grower agreement expires on December 31, 2024. All growers will need to submit a new agreement for approval before accepting benefits anytime in 2025. The FMNP season will still be June 1 through October 31. All growers must be approved before June 1, 2025.
A new grower agreement will be released in the coming weeks and communication will be sent out when it is available. Any grower wishing to accept WIC benefits year-round, starting in January 2025, will need to submit their application before the end of December. Keep an eye out for communication regarding the Grower Agreement for the period of 2025-2027, coming soon!
Farm Stores Must Ensure Accurate Hours and Addresses
After visiting some farm stores around the state, we want to remind growers who have approved farm stores to ensure they have accurate hours and the correct address listed.
A list of the approved farm stores can be found here. Please find your farm store on the list and ensure the hours and address are correct. We do not want to misguide FMNP participants who look to this list for information regarding the farm stores closest to them.
Please only declare the time and dates you sell eligible produce.
Please keep in mind that someone must be present at the farm store location to accept the transaction. Only eligible fresh fruits, vegetables, cut herbs, and honey (when specifically approved for seniors only) are to be sold in exchange for FMNP benefits.
WIC Monthly Fruit & Vegetable (CVB) Signs do NOT Replace Blue FMNP Signs During FMNP Season
As we have visited markets around the state during this FMNP season, we noticed some growers who have been posting the yellow WIC CVB year-round signs at their booths instead of the blue "WIC/Senior FMNP Welcome Here" signs. You can use both signs, but the yellow sign is not replacing the blue one. When we monitor at markets or farm stores, authorized growers are required to post the blue sign during FMNP season. The "WIC Fruit & Vegetable Benefits Welcome All Year" yellow signs are intended to be on display outside of the FMNP season November 1 - May 31, for those growers selling at markets and farm stores that are approved outside of the FMNP season. Please be sure to hang up the blue WIC/Senior FMNP Signs until October 31.
Training Videos - Learn in Minutes
The FMNP site has three very helpful and short videos on the electronic FMNP process. Each video is approximately one to two minutes long. This can be shared for quick training needs.
Topics include:
Make Sure Your WIC Card is Registered in the App!
In September, Google Play required an update to the WICShopper app.
This update removed some WIC Cards from the app.
Here’s how to make sure your WIC Card is registered:
- Tap the My Benefits button.
- If you see “No WIC Cards Registered,” select the “Managed Cards” button on the screen to add your WIC card in the app.
To use the app QR Code at an authorized farmers’ market or farm store, your app must show the following:
- A registered WIC card.
- Current fruit and vegetable benefits.
Senior FMNP Resources
Market & Grower Support Contact Information
We are here to help. Depending on the reason of your call, below are support team contact numbers and what issues they can help with.
State Support Team: WIC/Senior Card or QR Code issues and transaction issues/questions:
1-800-841-1410 Extension 2, Option 0
Monday - Friday; 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
CDP: Vendor Portal issues:
1-866-237-4814, 7 days a week
FMNP Team: Grower account/approval, market approval, portal registration:
1-800-841-1410 Extension 2, Option 2
*Extension 3721 is no longer in use*
Monday - Friday; 8:00am-5:00pm